Stable oxygen isotope record of corales from the Red Sea

In order to assess the ability of Porites corals to accurately record environmental variations, high-resolution (weekly/biweekly) coral delta18O records were obtained from four coral colonies from the northern Gulf of Aqaba, which grew at depths of 7, 19, 29, and 42 m along one transect. Adjacent to each colony, hourly temperatures, biweekly salinities, and monthly delta18O of seawater were continuously recorded over a period of 14 months (April 1999 to June 2000). Contrary to water temperature, which shows a regular and strong seasonal variation and change with depth, seawater delta18O exhibits a weak seasonality and little change with depth. Positive correlations between seawater delta18O and salinity were observed. The two parameters were related to each other by the equation delta18O Seawater (per mil, VSMOW) = 0.281 * Salinity - 9.14. The high-resolution coral delta18O records from this study show a regular pattern of seasonality and are able to capture fine details of the weekly average temperature records. They resolve more than 95% of the weekly average temperature range. On the other hand, attenuation and amplification of coral seasonal amplitudes were recorded in deep, slow-growing corals, which were not related to environmental effects (temperature and/or seawater delta18O) or sampling resolution. We propose that these result from a combined effect of subannual variations in extension rate and variable rates of spine thickening of skeletal structures within the tissue layer. However, no smoothing or distortion of the isotopic signals was observed due to calcification within the tissue layer in shallow-water, fast-growing corals. The calculations from coral delta18O calibrations against the in situ measurements show that temperature (T) is related to coral delta18O (delta c) and seawater delta18O (delta w) by the equation T (°C) = -5.38 (delta c - delta w) -1.08. Our results demonstrate that coral delta18O from the northern Gulf of Aqaba is a reliable recorder of temperature variations, and that there is a minor contribution of seawater delta18O to this proxy, which could be ignored.

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Al-Rousan, Saber, Al-Moghrabi, Salim M, Pätzold, Jürgen, Wefer, Gerold (2003). Dataset: Stable oxygen isotope record of corales from the Red Sea.

DOI retrieved: 2003

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Al-Rousan, Saber
Given Name Saber
Family Name Al-Rousan
More Authors
Al-Moghrabi, Salim M
Pätzold, Jürgen
Wefer, Gerold
Source Creation 2003
Publication Year 2003
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Al-Rousan_2003
Subject Areas
Name: Biosphere

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Stable oxygen isotopes in Porites corals monitor weekly temperature variations in the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2003
Source: Coral Reefs
Authors: Al-Rousan Saber , Al-Moghrabi Salim M , Pätzold Jürgen , Wefer Gerold .

Title: Ocean and climate history recorded in stable isotopes of corals and foraminifers from the northern Gulf of Aqaba
Identifier: urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00103060-11
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2002
Source: Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen
Authors: Al-Rousan Saber .