Physical properties of sediment cores of the Bengal Fan

We examined geophysical data from a Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL), a logging device providing continuous measurements of gamma-ray attenuation, p-wave travel time, and magnetic susceptibility on marine sediment cores. In the first part we focused on the gamma-ray system and compared two different calibration methods. From the gamma-ray attenuation, we calculated densities and porosities by incorporating mass weighted attenuation coefficients. The application of an iteration method reduces the error of the density and porosity estimates compared to GRAPE data. In addition, we derived equations to calculate water content and dry bulk density from gamma-ray attenuation measurements. Comparison with physical properties determined on discrete samples revealed a very good correlation of both data sets (r = 0.99). This correlation is valid for sediments from substantially different geological settings (e.g., turbidites, hemipelagic muds, and opal-rich sediments). In the second part we applied our data to marine geological questions. For sediments from the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone, there is indication that the content of biogenic opal can be assessed using a correlation of density and p-wave velocity. For sediments from the Bengal Fan, the relationship between the MSCL acoustic impedance (the product of density and p-wave velocity) and the grain-size distribution in discrete samples can be used to predict clay and sand/silt ratios for sediment cores from the shelf and upper continental slope.

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Weber, Michael E, Niessen, Frank, Kuhn, Gerhard, Wiedicke-Hombach, Michael (1997). Dataset: Physical properties of sediment cores of the Bengal Fan.

DOI retrieved: 1997

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Weber, Michael E
Given Name Michael E
Family Name Weber
More Authors
Niessen, Frank
Kuhn, Gerhard
Wiedicke-Hombach, Michael
Source Creation 1997
Publication Year 1997
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Weber_1997
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Calibration and application of marine sedimentary physical properties using a multi-sensor core logger
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1997
Source: Marine Geology
Authors: Weber Michael E , Niessen Frank , Kuhn Gerhard , Wiedicke-Hombach Michael .