Nutrients at time series station KERFIX

Between January 1990 and March 1995, the research project KERFIX undertook the first regular noncoastal multiyear acquisition of parameters related to the carbon cycle in the Southern Ocean at a time series station located at 50°40' S-68°25' E, 60 miles southwest of the Kerguelen Islands. The objectives of KERFIX are (1) to monitor the ocean/atmosphere CO2 and O2 exchanges and to understand which processes govern these exchanges (2) to observe and interpret the seasonal and interannual variability of the production, flux, decomposition and dissolution of carbon and associated elements at this location. In addition, micropaleontological studies describe the present and past flux dynamics in this oceanic area, to improve the knowledge of the transfer functions of some oceanographic proxies. This paper presents a survey of the KERFIX program: scientific objectives, organization of the field operations and some main results obtained since the beginning of KERFIX program, as well as the results of the temporal evolution of hydrological, chemical and biological parameters.

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Jeandel, Catherine, Ruiz-Pino, Diana, Gjata, Elvis, Poisson, Alain, Brunet, Christian, Charriaud, Edwige, Dehairs, Frank, Delille, Daniel, Fiala, Michel, Fravalo, Charles, Miquel, Juan Carlos, Park, Young-Hyang, Pondaven, Philippe, Quéguiner, Bernard, Razouls, Suzanne, Shauer, Bernard, Tréguer, Paul (1998). Dataset: Nutrients at time series station KERFIX.

DOI retrieved: 1998

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Jeandel, Catherine
Given Name Catherine
Family Name Jeandel
More Authors
Ruiz-Pino, Diana
Gjata, Elvis
Poisson, Alain
Brunet, Christian
Charriaud, Edwige
Dehairs, Frank
Delille, Daniel
Fiala, Michel
Fravalo, Charles
Miquel, Juan Carlos
Park, Young-Hyang
Pondaven, Philippe
Quéguiner, Bernard
Razouls, Suzanne
Shauer, Bernard
Tréguer, Paul
Source Creation 1998
Publication Year 1998
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Jeandel_1998
Subject Areas
Name: Biosphere

Name: Lithosphere

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: KERFIX, a time-series station in the Southern Ocean: a presentation
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1998
Source: Journal of Marine Systems
Authors: Jeandel Catherine , Ruiz-Pino Diana , Gjata Elvis , Poisson Alain , Brunet Christian , Charriaud Edwige , Dehairs Frank , Delille Daniel , Fiala Michel , Fravalo Charles , Miquel Juan Carlos , Park Young-Hyang , Pondaven Philippe , Quéguiner Bernard , Razouls Suzanne , Shauer Bernard , Tréguer Paul .