Chemical and isotopic composition of interstitial waters from the Kara Sea and Yenisey estuary

Processes of early sediment diagenesis, including chemical composition of interstitial waters, content of different sulfur compounds, and rates of sulfate reduction were investigated. Along a profile from the Yenisey River to the Kara Sea, sulfate reduction intensities were high (up to 1.5 µg S/kg/day) in the delta region and in its northern part. Intensities were comparable to those found in shallow-water sediments of the North Sea. In estuarine sediments, where different transformations were possible, lower rates of bacterial sulfate reduction were observed (0.03 to 0.06 µg S/kg/day). Annual production of reduced sulfur in sediments was 24 million tons, and only 0.5 million tons (2%) were deposited. Annual consumption of organic carbon during process of sulfate reduction in the Yenisey delta region was 17.6 million tons.

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Lein, Alla Yu, Miller, Yury M, Namsaraev, Bair B, Pimenov, Nikolay V, Rusanov, Igor I, Savvichev, Alexander S, Ivanov, Michael, Pavlova, Galina A (1995). Dataset: Chemical and isotopic composition of interstitial waters from the Kara Sea and Yenisey estuary.

DOI retrieved: 1995

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Lein, Alla Yu
Given Name Alla Yu
Family Name Lein
More Authors
Miller, Yury M
Namsaraev, Bair B
Pimenov, Nikolay V
Rusanov, Igor I
Savvichev, Alexander S
Ivanov, Michael
Pavlova, Galina A
Source Creation 1995
Publication Year 1995
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Lein_1995
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Biogeochemical processes of sulfur turnover in the early stages of sediment diagenesis along the Yenisey River - Kara Sea section
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1995
Source: Oceanology
Authors: Lein Alla Yu , Miller Yury M , Namsaraev Bair B , Pimenov Nikolay V , Rusanov Igor I , Savvichev Alexander S , Ivanov Mikhail V , Pavlova Galina A .