Suspended particulate matter measured on water samples of two stations at Potter Cove, King George Island, Western Antarctic Peninsula (1992-2010)

Suspended particular matter measured in the water column. Samples were taken at two station in Potter cove, Western Antarctic Peninsula. This data collection gives the yearly measurements from 1992 to 2010.

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Schloss, Irene R (2010). Dataset: Suspended particulate matter measured on water samples of two stations at Potter Cove, King George Island, Western Antarctic Peninsula (1992-2010).

DOI retrieved: 2010

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Schloss, Irene R
Given Name Irene R
Family Name Schloss
Source Creation 2010
Publication Year 2010
Resource Type application/zip - filename: SPM_PotterCove_1992-2010
Subject Areas
Name: Atmosphere

Name: Ecology

Related Identifiers
Title: Analysis of trends and sudden changes in long-term environmental data from King George Island (Antarctica): relationships between global climatic oscillations and local system response
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2013
Source: Climatic Change
Authors: Bers A Valeria , Momo Fernando , Schloss Irene R , Abele Doris , Klöser Heinz , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Mercuri Guillermo , Laturnus Frank , Curtosi Antonio , Schloss Irene R , Abele Doris , Moreau Sebastien , Demers Serge , Bers A Valeria , Gonzáles Oscar , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Ruiz-Pino Diana .

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Source: Journal of Marine Systems
Authors: Bers A Valeria , Momo Fernando , Schloss Irene R , Abele Doris , Klöser Heinz , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Mercuri Guillermo , Laturnus Frank , Curtosi Antonio , Schloss Irene R , Abele Doris , Moreau Sebastien , Demers Serge , Bers A Valeria , Gonzáles Oscar , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Ruiz-Pino Diana .

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Type: DOI
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Year: 2012
Source: Journal of Marine Systems
Authors: Bers A Valeria , Momo Fernando , Schloss Irene R , Abele Doris , Klöser Heinz , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Mercuri Guillermo , Laturnus Frank , Curtosi Antonio , Schloss Irene R , Abele Doris , Moreau Sebastien , Demers Serge , Bers A Valeria , Gonzáles Oscar , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Ruiz-Pino Diana .

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Type: DOI
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Source: Polar Biology
Authors: Bers A Valeria , Momo Fernando , Schloss Irene R , Abele Doris , Klöser Heinz , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Mercuri Guillermo , Laturnus Frank , Curtosi Antonio , Schloss Irene R , Abele Doris , Moreau Sebastien , Demers Serge , Bers A Valeria , Gonzáles Oscar , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Ruiz-Pino Diana .

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Type: DOI
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Source: Journal of Marine Systems
Authors: Bers A Valeria , Momo Fernando , Schloss Irene R , Abele Doris , Klöser Heinz , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Mercuri Guillermo , Laturnus Frank , Curtosi Antonio , Schloss Irene R , Abele Doris , Moreau Sebastien , Demers Serge , Bers A Valeria , Gonzáles Oscar , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Schloss Irene R , Ferreyra Gustavo A , Ruiz-Pino Diana .