Thermal diagenesis of clay minerals within volcanogenic material from ODP Site 135-841

Clay minerals are examined in detail in the sediment from the Tonga Trench margin at Site 841 (Leg 135 ODP). The changes in amount and nature of secondary clays with depth provide an alternative explanation for the intensive alteration of volcanogenic material at convergent margins. A characteristic distribution of clay minerals with depth shows four distinct zones unexplainable by simple burial diagenesis processes. These are named the upper, reactive, lower and rhyolitic zones. The reactive zone is intercalated with numerous sills and is characterized by the dominant iron-rich clays such as saponite, corrensite and chlorite associated with analcime. The occurrence of such iron-rich clays, mostly associated with a large amount of analcime, yields chemical and mineralogical evidence for thermal diagenesis. The required heat for the diagenetic process was transferred from recently intruded basaltic andesite sills. In the vicinity of these intrusions, the iron-rich clay minerals may have formed at temperatures up to 200°C. A zoning with respect to clay and zeolite minerals indicates that the influence of the palaeoheat flow decreased with the distance from the intrusion. The formation of interlayered I/S, illite, kaolinite and aluminous chlorite, which are recognized as major secondary minerals within the rhyolitic complex, was mainly controlled by both early diagenesis at moderately elevated temperatures, and since the Eocene by burial diagenesis at low temperatures. The occurrence of a steam zone in an early stage of the intrusion is restricted to Miocene tuffs and has overprinted the early alteration of the volcanogenic material within the tuffs and has changed the originally pristine composition of the pore fluids.

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Vitali, Frédéric, Blanc, Gérard, Larqué, Philippe, Duplay, Joelle, Morvan, Gilles (1999). Dataset: Thermal diagenesis of clay minerals within volcanogenic material from ODP Site 135-841.

DOI retrieved: 1999

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Vitali, Frédéric
Given Name Frédéric
Family Name Vitali
More Authors
Blanc, Gérard
Larqué, Philippe
Duplay, Joelle
Morvan, Gilles
Source Creation 1999
Publication Year 1999
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Vitali_1999b
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Thermal diagenesis of clay minerals within volcanogenic material from the Tonga convergent margin
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1999
Source: Marine Geology
Authors: Vitali Frédéric , Blanc Gérard , Larqué Philippe , Duplay Joelle , Morvan Gilles .