Chemical composition of ultrabasites and composing minerals from the Tonga Trench

A petrologic-geochemical study (petrochemistry, contents of siderophile and certain lithophile elements, composition of rock-forming silicates and accessory chrome spinels) of ultrabasic rocks dredged from the arc side in the northern end of the Tonga deep-sea trench has been carried out. The ultrabasites included harzburgites and dunites. Peridotites show clearly manifested material characteristics of ultrabasic relicts strongly depleted in low-temperature basaltic components. It is suggested that they have arose in the high degree of partial melting (about 30%) of a matrix mantle source of the lherzolite type. Great similarity of the rocks studied with ultrabasites of many ophiolites that are widespread in folded belts indicates that young island arcs are among the most likely geodynamic environments of ophiolite generation.

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Laz'ko, E E, Vysotskiy, Sergey V, Koroleva, N V, Muravitskaya, G N (1991). Dataset: Chemical composition of ultrabasites and composing minerals from the Tonga Trench.

DOI retrieved: 1991

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Author Laz'ko, E E
Given Name E E
Family Name Laz'ko
More Authors
Vysotskiy, Sergey V
Koroleva, N V
Muravitskaya, G N
Source Creation 1991
Publication Year 1991
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Lazko_1991
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Ultrabasites in the northern part of the Tonga Trench
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1991
Source: Oceanology
Authors: Laz'ko E E , Vysotskiy Sergey V , Koroleva N V , Muravitskaya G N .