Geochemistry of picrite basalts from the Liohi Volcano

Research of the ocean floor using the Mir submersibles carried out south of the Hawaiian Archipelago allowed to recover flows of recent picrite basalts. Lava vents are confined to a field of development of open fractures of a gjar type. Basalts represent initial lava flows in the structure of the Hawaiian volcanic archipelago. Considering contents of alkali and rare-earth elements in them, the picrite basalts of the bottom could be assigned to a series of island tholeiites. They are products of high level melting of asthenospheric matter at depth about 75-80 km as a result of decompression near a deep fracture that occurred in the lithosphere and asthenosphere. Similar picrite basalts were found in the base of the youngest volcano of the Hawaiian chain the Loihi Volcano. With respect to contents of alkali metals, these rocks are assigned to the subalkaline series of rocks formed during melting of garnet lherzolites. This could probably be explained by supply of melts from deeper levels of the asthenosphere after partial packing of an initial magma effluent fracture.

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Matveenkov, Vladimir V, Sorokhtin, Oleg G (1998). Dataset: Geochemistry of picrite basalts from the Liohi Volcano.

DOI retrieved: 1998

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Matveenkov, Vladimir V
Given Name Vladimir V
Family Name Matveenkov
More Authors
Sorokhtin, Oleg G
Source Creation 1998
Publication Year 1998
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Matveenkov-Sorokhtin-1998
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Petrological peculiarities of the initial stages of development of intraplate volcanism of the Loihi Island (Hawaiian Archipelago)
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1998
Source: Translated from Okeanologiya, 1998, 38(5), 742-749
Authors: Matveenkov Vladimir V , Sorokhtin Oleg G .