Marine ice-rafted debris records and age determinations along the northern Eurasian margin

Ice-rafted debris (IRD) (>2 mm), input in eight sediment cores along the Eurasian continental margin (Arctic Ocean), have been studied over the last two glacial/interglacial cycles. Together with the revised chronologies and new micropaleontological data of two cores from the northern Barents Sea (PS2138) and northeastern Kara Sea (PS2741) spanning Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 6 to 1, the IRD data give new insights into the glacial history of northern Eurasian ice-sheets over the last 150 ka. The chronologies of the cores are based on stable isotope records, AMS 14C datings, paleomagnetic and biostratigraphic data. Extensive episodes of northern Barents Sea ice-sheet growth, probably to the shelf edge, occurred during the late Weichselian (MIS 2) and the Saalian (MIS 6). Major IRD discharge at the MIS 4/3-transition hints to another severe glaciation, probably onto the outer shelf, during MIS 4. IRD-based instabilities of the marine-based ice margin along the northern Barents Sea between MIS 4 and 2 are similar in timing with North Atlantic Heinrich events and Nordic Seas IRD events, suggesting similar atmospheric cooling over a broad region or linkage of ice-sheet fluctuations through small sea-level events. In the relatively low-precipitation areas of eastern Eurasia, IRD peak values during Termination II and MIS 4/3-transition suggest a Kara Sea ice-sheet advance onto the outer shelf, probably to the shelf edge, during glacial MIS 6 and 4. This suggests that during the initial cooling following the interglacials MIS 5, and possibly MIS 7, the combined effect of sustained inflow of Atlantic water into the Arctic Ocean and penetration of moisture-bearing cyclones into easterly direction supported major ice build-up during Saalian (MIS 6) and Mid-Weichselian (MIS 4) glaciation. IRD peak values in MIS 5 indicate at least two advances of the Severnaya Semlya ice-sheet to the coast line during the Early Weichselian. In contrast, a distinct Kara Sea ice advance during the Late Weichselian (MIS 2) is not documented by the IRD records along the northeastern Kara Sea margin.

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Knies, Jochen, Kleiber, Hans Peter, Matthiessen, Jens, Müller, Claudia, Nowaczyk, Norbert R (2001). Dataset: Marine ice-rafted debris records and age determinations along the northern Eurasian margin.

DOI retrieved: 2001

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Knies, Jochen
Given Name Jochen
Family Name Knies
More Authors
Kleiber, Hans Peter
Matthiessen, Jens
Müller, Claudia
Nowaczyk, Norbert R
Source Creation 2001
Publication Year 2001
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Knies_2001
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

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Title: Marine ice-rafted debris records constrain maximum extent of Saalian and Weichselian ice-sheets along the northern Eurasian margin
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2001
Source: Global and Planetary Change
Authors: Knies Jochen , Kleiber Hans Peter , Matthiessen Jens , Müller Claudia , Nowaczyk Norbert R .