Neogene floras and palaeoclimatic estimates from various sites of South-West China

Neogene climates and vegetation history of western Yunnan are reconstructed on the basis of known fossil plants using the Coexistence Approach (CA) and Leaf Margin Analysis (LMA). Four Neogene leaf floras from Tengchong, Jianchuan and Eryuan in southwestern China are analyzed by the CA, and the paleoclimatic data of one Miocene carpoflora from Longling and three Pliocene palynofloras from Longling, Yangyi and Eryuan are used for comparison. The Miocene vegetation of the whole of West Yunnan is subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, and a similar mean annual precipitation is inferred for Tengchong, Longling and Jianchuan. However, by the Late Pliocene a large difference in vegetation occurred between the two slopes of Gaoligong Mountain, western Yunnan. The region of Tengchong retained a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest vegetation, whereas in Yangyi and Eryuan a vertical vegetation zonation had developed, which consists, in ascending order, of humid evergreen broad-leaved, needle and broad-leaved mixed evergreen, and coniferous forests. Distinctively, the Late Pliocene vegetational patterns of West Yunnan were already very similar to those of the present, and the Pliocene mean annual precipitation in Tengchong was markedly higher than that of Yangyi and Eryuan. Considering that the overall vegetation of West Yunnan and the precipitation at Yangyi and Eryuan have undergone no distinct change since the Late Pliocene, we conclude that the Hengduan Mountains on the northern boundary of West Yunnan must have arisen after the Miocene and approached their highest elevation before the Late Pliocene. Furthermore, the fact of the eastern portion of the Tibetan Plateau underwent a slight uplift after the Late Pliocene is also supported.

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Sun, Bai-Nian, Wu, Jing-Yu, Liu, Yu-Sheng Christopher, Ding, Su-Ting, Li, Xiang-Chuan, Xie, San-Ping, Yan, De-Fei, Lin, Zhi-Cheng (2011). Dataset: Neogene floras and palaeoclimatic estimates from various sites of South-West China.

DOI retrieved: 2011

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Author Sun, Bai-Nian
Given Name Bai-Nian
Family Name Sun
More Authors
Wu, Jing-Yu
Liu, Yu-Sheng Christopher
Ding, Su-Ting
Li, Xiang-Chuan
Xie, San-Ping
Yan, De-Fei
Lin, Zhi-Cheng
Source Creation 2011
Publication Year 2011
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Sun_2011
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Name: Paleontology

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Title: Reconstructing Neogene vegetation and climates to infer tectonic uplift in western Yunnan, China
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2011
Source: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Authors: Sun Bai-Nian , Wu Jing-Yu , Liu Yu-Sheng Christopher , Ding Su-Ting , Li Xiang-Chuan , Xie San-Ping , Yan De-Fei , Lin Zhi-Cheng .