Gotland Deep (Baltic Sea) independent age model based on Palaeomagnetic Secular Variation (PSV) and lead (Pb) deposition profiles

Dating of sediment cores from the Baltic Sea has proven to be difficult due to uncertainties surrounding the 14C reservoir age and a scarcity of macrofossils suitable for dating. Here we present the results of multiple dating methods carried out on cores in the Gotland Deep area of the Baltic Sea. Particular emphasis is placed on the Littorina stage (8 ka ago to the present) of the Baltic Sea and possible changes in the 14C reservoir age of our dated samples. Three geochronological methods are used. Firstly, palaeomagnetic secular variations (PSV) are reconstructed, whereby ages are transferred to PSV features through comparison with varved lake sediment based PSV records. Secondly, lead (Pb) content and stable isotope analysis are used to identify past peaks in anthropogenic atmospheric Pb pollution. Lastly, 14C determinations were carried out on benthic foraminifera (Elphidium spec.) samples from the brackish Littorina stage of the Baltic Sea. Determinations carried out on smaller samples (as low as 4 µg C) employed an experimental, state-of-the-art method involving the direct measurement of CO2 from samples by a gas ion source without the need for a graphitisation step - the first time this method has been performed on foraminifera in an applied study. The PSV chronology, based on the uppermost Littorina stage sediments, produced ten age constraints between 6.29 and 1.29 cal ka BP, and the Pb depositional analysis produced two age constraints associated with the Medieval pollution peak. Analysis of PSV data shows that adequate directional data can be derived from both the present Littorina saline phase muds and Baltic Ice Lake stage varved glacial sediments. Ferrimagnetic iron sulphides, most likely authigenic greigite (Fe3S4), present in the intermediate Ancylus Lake freshwater stage sediments acquire a gyroremanent magnetisation during static alternating field (AF) demagnetisation, preventing the identification of a primary natural remanent magnetisation for these sediments. An inferred marine reservoir age offset (deltaR) is calculated by comparing the foraminifera 14C determinations to a PSV & Pb age model. This deltaR is found to trend towards younger values upwards in the core, possibly due to a gradual change in hydrographic conditions brought about by a reduction in marine water exchange from the open sea due to continued isostatic rebound.

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Cite this as

Lougheed, Bryan C, Snowball, Ian, Moros, Matthias, Kabel, Karoline, Muscheler, Raimund, Virtasalo, Joonas J, Wacker, Lukas (2012). Dataset: Gotland Deep (Baltic Sea) independent age model based on Palaeomagnetic Secular Variation (PSV) and lead (Pb) deposition profiles.

DOI retrieved: 2012

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Lougheed, Bryan C
Given Name Bryan C
Family Name Lougheed
More Authors
Snowball, Ian
Moros, Matthias
Kabel, Karoline
Muscheler, Raimund
Virtasalo, Joonas J
Wacker, Lukas
Source Creation 2012
Publication Year 2012
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Lougheed_2012
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

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Title: Using an independent geochronology based on palaeomagnetic secular variation (PSV) and atmospheric Pb deposition to date Baltic Sea sediments and infer 14C reservoir age
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2012
Source: Quaternary Science Reviews
Authors: Lougheed Bryan C , Snowball Ian , Moros Matthias , Kabel Karoline , Muscheler Raimund , Virtasalo Joonas J , Wacker Lukas .