Properties and faunal abundances of level sea ice and sea-ice ridges in the Chukchi/Beaufort Seas and Canada Basin

The abundances and distribution of metazoan within-ice meiofauna (13 stations) and under-ice fauna (12 stations) were investigated in level sea ice and sea-ice ridges in the Chukchi/Beaufort Seas and Canada Basin in June/July 2005 using a combination of ice coring and SCUBA diving. Ice meiofauna abundance was estimated based on live counts in the bottom 30 cm of level sea ice based on triplicate ice core sampling at each location, and in individual ice chunks from ridges at four locations. Under-ice amphipods were counted in situ in replicate (N=24-65 per station) 0.25 m**2 quadrats using SCUBA to a maximum water depth of 12 m. In level sea ice, the most abundant ice meiofauna groups were Turbellaria (46%), Nematoda (35%), and Harpacticoida (19%), with overall low abundances per station that ranged from 0.0 to 10.9 ind/l (median 0.8 ind/l). In level ice, low ice algal pigment concentrations (3 m where abundances were up to 42-fold higher compared with level ice. We propose that the summer ice melt impacted meiofauna and under-ice amphipod abundance and distribution through (a) flushing, and (b) enhanced salinity stress at thinner level sea ice (less than 3 m thickness). We further suggest that pressure ridges, which extend into deeper, high-salinity water, become accumulation regions for ice meiofauna and under-ice amphipods in summer. Pressure ridges thus might be crucial for faunal survival during periods of enhanced summer ice melt. Previous estimates of Arctic sea ice meiofauna and under-ice amphipods on regional and pan-Arctic scales likely underestimate abundances at least in summer because they typically do not include pressure ridges.

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Cite this as

Gradinger, Rolf, Bluhm, Bodil Annikki, Iken, Katrin (2010). Dataset: Properties and faunal abundances of level sea ice and sea-ice ridges in the Chukchi/Beaufort Seas and Canada Basin.

DOI retrieved: 2010

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Gradinger, Rolf
Given Name Rolf
Family Name Gradinger
More Authors
Bluhm, Bodil Annikki
Iken, Katrin
Source Creation 2010
Publication Year 2010
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Gradinger_2010
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Arctic sea-ice ridges - Safe heavens for sea-ice fauna during periods of extreme ice melt?
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2010
Source: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Authors: Gradinger Rolf , Bluhm Bodil Annikki , Iken Katrin .