Soil characteristics and decomposition of organic matter on Anchorage, Signy and Falkland Islands

Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems have poorly developed soils and currently experience one of the greatest rates of climate warming on the globe. We investigated the responsiveness of organic matter decomposition in Maritime Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems to climate change, using two study sites in the Antarctic Peninsula region (Anchorage Island, 67°S; Signy Island, 61°S), and contrasted the responses found with those at the cool temperate Falkland Islands (52°S). Our approach consisted of two complementary methods: (1) Laboratory measurements of decomposition at different temperatures (2, 6 and 10 °C) of plant material and soil organic matter from all three locations. (2) Field measurements at all three locations on the decomposition of soil organic matter, plant material and cellulose, both under natural conditions and under experimental warming (about 0.8 °C) achieved using open top chambers. Higher temperatures led to higher organic matter breakdown in the laboratory studies, indicating that decomposition in Maritime Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems is likely to increase with increasing soil temperatures. However, both laboratory and field studies showed that decomposition was more strongly influenced by local substratum characteristics (especially soil N availability) and plant functional type composition than by large-scale temperature differences. The very small responsiveness of organic matter decomposition in the field (experimental temperature increase <1 °C) compared with the laboratory (experimental increases of 4 or 8 °C) shows that substantial warming is required before significant effects can be detected.

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Bokhorst, Stef, Huiskes, Ad H L, Convey, Peter, Aerts, Raf (2007). Dataset: Soil characteristics and decomposition of organic matter on Anchorage, Signy and Falkland Islands.

DOI retrieved: 2007

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Bokhorst, Stef
Given Name Stef
Family Name Bokhorst
More Authors
Huiskes, Ad H L
Convey, Peter
Aerts, Raf
Source Creation 2007
Publication Year 2007
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Bokhorst_2007
Subject Areas
Name: Ecology

Related Identifiers
Title: Climate change effects on organic matter decomposition rates in ecosystems from the Maritime Antarctic and Falkland Islands
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2007
Source: Global Change Biology
Authors: Bokhorst Stef , Huiskes Ad H L , Convey Peter , Aerts Raf .