Chlorophyll a content, protist biomass and experimental plankton growth and mortality in West Greenland water samples

We evaluated the role of microzooplankton (sensu latto, grazers 10 µm fraction within a narrow (2 m) subsurface layer, and (4) the Kapisigdlit branch of the fjord, ice-free, and characterized with a thick and deep chl a maximum layer. Overall, microzooplankton grazing impact on primary production was variable and seldom significant in the Fyllas Bank and mouth of the fjord, quite intensive (up to >100% potential PP consumed daily) in the middle part of the main and Kapisigdlit branches of the fjord, and rather low and unable to control the fast growing phytoplankton population inhabiting the nutrient rich waters in the upwelling area in the vicinity of the glacier. Most of the grazing impact was on the 20 µm microzooplankton, as deducted from additional dilution experiments removing this size fraction. Overall, little or no export of phytoplankton out of the fjord to the Fyllas Bank can be determined from our data.

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Cite this as

Calbet, Albert, Riisgaard, Karen, Saiz, Enric, Zamora, Sara, Stedmon, Colin A, Nielsen, Torkel Gissel (2011). Dataset: Chlorophyll a content, protist biomass and experimental plankton growth and mortality in West Greenland water samples.

DOI retrieved: 2011

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Calbet, Albert
Given Name Albert
Family Name Calbet
More Authors
Riisgaard, Karen
Saiz, Enric
Zamora, Sara
Stedmon, Colin A
Nielsen, Torkel Gissel
Source Creation 2011
Publication Year 2011
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Calbet_2011
Subject Areas
Name: Biosphere

Name: Ecology

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing along a sub-Arctic fjord (Godthabsfjord, west Greenland)
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2011
Source: Marine Ecology Progress Series
Authors: Calbet Albert , Riisgaard Karen , Saiz Enric , Zamora Sara , Stedmon Colin A , Nielsen Torkel Gissel .