Stomach content and parasite characteristics of M. scorpius from Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island

Shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) from Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, is a slow growing long-lived species. A wide range of diet items were present in the stomachs of the shorthorn sculpins sampled but 2-3 diet items (amphipod species) comprised 99.5 % of total food consumed. These amphipods were present in the stomachs in similar proportions among all age classes of shorthorn sculpin. Several new host records for parasites were reported and mean numbers of parasite species increased with shorthorn sculpin age. The increased diversity of parasite species and higher d15N values in older/larger individuals suggest that their diets were more diverse and the prey items consumed had higher d15N values. By contrast, the value of d13C in dominant diet items masked the d13C values of minor diet items. We conclude that parasites and stable isotope values provide complementary data on feeding patterns of the shorthorn sculpin. The ubiquitous marine acanthocephalan, Echinorhynchus gadi, was found at high prevalences (87-100 %) and mean intensities (28-35), and were localized in the midgut. In contrast to other studies on acanthocephalans, E. gadi did not influence fish condition as measured by condition factor, liver somatic and gonado-somatic indices.

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Dick, Terry A, Chambers, Carl, Gallagher, Colin P (2009). Dataset: Stomach content and parasite characteristics of M. scorpius from Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island.

DOI retrieved: 2009

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Dick, Terry A
Given Name Terry A
Family Name Dick
More Authors
Chambers, Carl
Gallagher, Colin P
Source Creation 2009
Publication Year 2009
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Dick_2009
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Biosphere

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Title: Parasites, diet and stable isotopes of shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) from Frobisher Bay, Canada
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2009
Source: Parasite-Journal de la Societe Francaise de Parasitologie
Authors: Dick Terry A , Chambers Carl , Gallagher Colin P .