Code and readme of a MATLAB-based graphical user interface program for computing functionals of the geopotential

We present a novel graphical user interface program GrafLab (GRAvity Field LABoratory) for spherical harmonic synthesis (SHS) created in MATLABĀ®. This program allows to comfortably compute 38 various functionals of the geopotential up to ultra-high degrees and orders of spherical harmonic expansion. For the most difficult part of the SHS, namely the evaluation of the fully normalized associated Legendre functions (fnALFs), we used three different approaches according to required maximum degree: (i) the standard forward column method (up to maximum degree 1800, in some cases up to degree 2190); (ii) the modified forward column method combined with Horner's scheme (up to maximum degree 2700); (iii) the extended-range arithmetic (up to an arbitrary maximum degree). For the maximum degree 2190, the SHS with fnALFs evaluated using the extended-range arithmetic approach takes only approximately 2-3 times longer than its standard arithmetic counterpart, i.e. the standard forward column method. In the GrafLab, the functionals of the geopotential can be evaluated on a regular grid or point-wise, while the input coordinates can either be read from a data file or entered manually. For the computation on a regular grid we decided to apply the lumped coefficients approach due to significant time-efficiency of this method. Furthermore, if a full variance-covariance matrix of spherical harmonic coefficients is available, it is possible to compute the commission errors of the functionals. When computing on a regular grid, the output functionals or their commission errors may be depicted on a map using automatically selected cartographic projection.

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Bucha, Blazej, Janak, Juraj (2013). Dataset: Code and readme of a MATLAB-based graphical user interface program for computing functionals of the geopotential.

DOI retrieved: 2013

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Bucha, Blazej
Given Name Blazej
Family Name Bucha
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Janak, Juraj
Source Creation 2013
Publication Year 2013
Subject Areas
Name: HumanDimensions

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: A MATLAB-based graphical user interface program for computing functionals of the geopotential up to ultra-high degrees and orders
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2013
Source: Computers & Geosciences
Authors: Bucha Blazej , Janak Juraj .