Radiocarbon dates of Mytilus shells and peat and wood samples collected on Drayton Island

A multidisciplinary study was undertaken at the Qijurittuq Site (IbGk-3) on Drayton Island in Low-Arctic Quebec (Canada) to document the relationships between climatic, environmental, and cultural changes and the choice of Thule/Inuit dwelling style in the eastern Arctic. Several marine terraces were 14C-dated with shells in order to reconstruct the area's uplift (glacioisostatic rebound) curve. Plant macrofossil analysis of peat was conducted to reconstruct past vegetation and, indirectly, past climate. Archaeological surveys and excavations characterized the structure of subterranean sod houses at the Qijurittuq Site and were supplemented with open interviews with Inuit elders for a better understanding of site location and the use of household space. The sites selected for habitation were well-drained sandy marine terraces in a valley sheltered from prevailing winds. Sod houses were in turn made possible by the abundance of driftwood on the island and the presence of nearby peatland. Thule/Inuit people used semi-subterranean houses rather than igloos at the Qijurittuq Site during the dry, cold conditions toward the end of the Little Ice Age. Stable environmental conditions and food supply during winter possibly explain the use of those semipermanent houses on Drayton Island. However, it does not exclude the use of igloos during short expeditions on ice.

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Lemieux, Anne-Marie, Bhiry, Najat, Desrosiers, Pierre M (2011). Dataset: Radiocarbon dates of Mytilus shells and peat and wood samples collected on Drayton Island.

DOI retrieved: 2011

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Lemieux, Anne-Marie
Given Name Anne-Marie
Family Name Lemieux
More Authors
Bhiry, Najat
Desrosiers, Pierre M
Source Creation 2011
Publication Year 2011
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Lemieux_2011
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: The geoarchaeology and traditional knowledge of winter sod houses in eastern Hudson Bay, Canadian Low Arctic
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2011
Source: Geoarchaeology-An International Journal
Authors: Lemieux Anne-Marie , Bhiry Najat , Desrosiers Pierre M .