CO2 and vitamin B12 interactions determine bioactive trace metal requirements of a subarctic Pacific diatom

Phytoplankton growth can be limited by numerous inorganic nutrients and organic growth factors. Using the subarctic diatom Attheya sp. in culture studies, we examined how the availability of vitamin B(12) and carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO(2)) influences growth rate, primary productivity, cellular iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) quotas, and the net use efficiencies (NUEs) of these bioactive trace metals (mol C fixed per mol cellular trace metal per day). Under B(12)-replete conditions, cells grown at high pCO(2) had lower Fe, Zn and Cd quotas, and used those trace metals more efficiently in comparison with cells grown at low pCO(2). At high pCO(2), B(12)-limited cells had ~50% lower specific growth and carbon fixation rates, and used Fe ~15-fold less efficiently, and Zn and Cd ~3-fold less efficiently, in comparison with B(12)-replete cells. The observed higher Fe, Zn and Cd NUE under high pCO(2)/B(12)-replete conditions are consistent with predicted downregulation of carbon-concentrating mechanisms. Co quotas of B(12)-replete cells were 5- to 14-fold higher in comparison with B(12)-limited cells, suggesting that >80% of cellular Co of B(12)-limited cells was likely from B(12). Our results demonstrate that CO(2) and vitamin B(12) interactively influence growth, carbon fixation, trace metal requirements and trace metal NUE of this diatom. This suggests the need to consider complex feedback interactions between multiple environmental factors for this biogeochemically critical group of phytoplankton in the last glacial maximum as well as the current and future changing ocean.

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King, Andrew L, Sañudo-Wilhelmy, Sergio A, Leblanc, Karine, Hutchins, David A, Fu, Feixue (2011). Dataset: CO2 and vitamin B12 interactions determine bioactive trace metal requirements of a subarctic Pacific diatom.

DOI retrieved: 2011

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author King, Andrew L
Given Name Andrew L
Family Name King
More Authors
Sañudo-Wilhelmy, Sergio A
Leblanc, Karine
Hutchins, David A
Fu, Feixue
Source Creation 2011
Publication Year 2011
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: King_2011
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Biosphere

Name: Chemistry

Name: Ecology

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Title: CO2 and vitamin B12 interactions determine bioactive trace metal requirements of a subarctic Pacific diatom
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2011
Source: The ISME Journal
Authors: King Andrew L , Sañudo-Wilhelmy Sergio A , Leblanc Karine , Hutchins David A , Fu Feixue , Fu Feixue , Hutchins David A , Sañudo-Wilhelmy Sergio A , Lavigne Héloïse , Epitalon Jean-Marie , Gattuso Jean-Pierre .

Title: Dataset: Attheya sp. experiments
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office
Authors: King Andrew L , Sañudo-Wilhelmy Sergio A , Leblanc Karine , Hutchins David A , Fu Feixue , Fu Feixue , Hutchins David A , Sañudo-Wilhelmy Sergio A , Lavigne Héloïse , Epitalon Jean-Marie , Gattuso Jean-Pierre .

Title: seacarb: seawater carbonate chemistry with R. R package version 3.0
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2014
Authors: King Andrew L , Sañudo-Wilhelmy Sergio A , Leblanc Karine , Hutchins David A , Fu Feixue , Fu Feixue , Hutchins David A , Sañudo-Wilhelmy Sergio A , Lavigne Héloïse , Epitalon Jean-Marie , Gattuso Jean-Pierre .