Temperature, salinity, methane concentration, oxidation rates and methanotrophic cell number at Svalbard seeps in summer 2011 and 2012 (cruises POS419 and MSM21/4)

Large amounts of the greenhouse gas methane are released from the seabed to the water column where it may be consumed by aerobic methanotrophic bacteria. This microbial filter is consequently the last marine sink for methane before its liberation to the atmosphere. The size and activity of methanotrophic communities, which determine the capacity of the water column methane filter, are thought to be mainly controlled by nutrient and redox dynamics, but little is known about the effects of ocean currents. Here, we report measurements of methanotrophic activity and biomass (CARD-FISH) at methane seeps west of Svalbard, and related them to physical water mass properties (CTD) and modelled current dynamics. We show that cold bottom water containing a large number of aerobic methanotrophs was rapidly displaced by warmer water with a considerably smaller methanotrophic community. This water mass exchange, caused by short-term variations of the West Spitsbergen Current, constitutes a rapid oceanographic switch severely reducing methanotrophic activity in the water column. Strong and fluctuating currents are widespread oceanographic features common at many methane seep systems and are thus likely to globally affect methane oxidation in the ocean water column.

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Steinle, Lea, Graves, Carolyn, Treude, Tina, Ferre, Benedicte, Biastoch, Arne, Bussmann, Ingeborg, Berndt, Christian, Krastel, Sebastian, James, Rachael H, Behrens, Erik, Böning, Claus W, Greinert, Jens, Sapart, Célia-Julia, Scheinert, Markus, Sommer, Stefan, Lehmann, Moritz F, Niemann, Helge (2015). Dataset: Temperature, salinity, methane concentration, oxidation rates and methanotrophic cell number at Svalbard seeps in summer 2011 and 2012 (cruises POS419 and MSM21/4). https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.844013

DOI retrieved: 2015

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.844013
Author Steinle, Lea
Given Name Lea
Family Name Steinle
More Authors
Graves, Carolyn
Treude, Tina
Ferre, Benedicte
Biastoch, Arne
Bussmann, Ingeborg
Berndt, Christian
Krastel, Sebastian
James, Rachael H
Behrens, Erik
Böning, Claus W
Greinert, Jens
Sapart, Célia-Julia
Scheinert, Markus
Sommer, Stefan
Lehmann, Moritz F
Niemann, Helge
Source Creation 2015
Publication Year 2015
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Steinle_2015
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Water column methanotrophy controlled by a rapid oceanographic switch
Identifier: https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2420
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2015
Source: Nature Geoscience
Authors: Steinle Lea , Graves Carolyn , Treude Tina , Ferre Benedicte , Biastoch Arne , Bussmann Ingeborg , Berndt Christian , Krastel Sebastian , James Rachael H , Behrens Erik , Böning Claus W , Greinert Jens , Sapart Célia-Julia , Scheinert Markus , Sommer Stefan , Lehmann Moritz F , Niemann Helge .