Contextual classification of full waveform lidar data in the Wadden Sea

The classification of airborne lidar data is a relevant task in different disciplines. The information about the geometry and the full waveform can be used in order to classify the 3D point cloud. In Wadden Sea areas the classification of lidar data is of main interest for the scientific monitoring of coastal morphology and habitats, but it becomes a challenging task due to flat areas with hardly any discriminative objects. For the classification we combine a Conditional Random Fields framework with a Random Forests approach. By classifying in this way, we benefit from the consideration of context on the one hand and from the opportunity to utilise a high number of classification features on the other hand. We investigate the relevance of different features for the lidar points in coastal areas as well as for the interaction of neighbouring points.

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Schmidt, Alena, Niemeyer, Joachim, Rottensteiner, Franz, Soergel, Uwe (2014). Dataset: Contextual classification of full waveform lidar data in the Wadden Sea.

DOI retrieved: 2014

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Schmidt, Alena
Given Name Alena
Family Name Schmidt
More Authors
Niemeyer, Joachim
Rottensteiner, Franz
Soergel, Uwe
Source Creation 2014
Publication Year 2014
Subject Areas
Name: Geophysics

Name: HumanDimensions

Name: LandSurface

Related Identifiers
Title: Contextual Classification of Full Waveform Lidar Data in the Wadden Sea
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2014
Source: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
Authors: Schmidt Alena , Niemeyer Joachim , Rottensteiner Franz , Soergel Uwe .