Analysis of Mn-deposits from Lake Eningi-Lampi

The processes of formation of iron-manganese nodules and crusts have been studied on an example of the Eningi-Lampi lake, Central Karelia, where the relationships between the source of the ore, sedimentary materials and areas of their accumulation prove relatively simple and apparent. Nodules and crusts are composed mostly by birnessite, amorphous hydrous ferric oxides and hydro-goethite. They occur, as a rule, on the surface of relatively coarse-grained sediments, at the ground-water interface. Considerably in a lesser extent are found the nodules in the upper part (0รณ5 cm) of the red-brown flooded watery mud covering dark-green, black muds. The nucleus of nodules, or the basis of crusts of iron-manganese hydroxides are various, frequently altered, fragments of rocks, sometimes pieces of wood. Distribution of Mn and Fe in sediments and waters of the lake is considered. It is shown that the Mn/Fe ratio decreases considerably in waters, sediments and nodules of the lake while moving off a distance from the source. The main role in the process of formation of iron-manganese nodules belongs to the selective chemosorption interaction (with auto-catalytic oxidation) of component-bearing solutions with active surfaces.

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Varentsov, Igor M (1972). Dataset: Analysis of Mn-deposits from Lake Eningi-Lampi.

DOI retrieved: 1972

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Author Varentsov, Igor M
Given Name Igor M
Family Name Varentsov
Source Creation 1972
Publication Year 1972
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Varentsov_1972
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Geochemical studies on the formation of iron-manganese nodules and crusts in recent basins, I. Eningi-Lampi Lake, Central Karelia
Identifier: hdl:10013/epic.46293.d001
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1972
Source: Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Szeged
Authors: Varentsov Igor M .

Title: The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1992
Source: National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA
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Type: DOI
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Type: DOI
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Title: Fig. 9b-1 Photomicrograph. The core of a nodule is a gravel fragment of quarzite covered by a layer of Fe-Mn hydroxides around which developed a mixture of Fe-Mn hydroxides and patches of chlorite-like mineral
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Type: DOI
Relation: References
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Type: DOI
Relation: References
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Title: The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Bibliography
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1992
Source: National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA
Authors: Grant John Bruce , Moore Carla J , Alameddin George , Chen Kuiying , Barton Mark , Warnken Robin R , Virden William T , Moore Carla J .