Gas composition, concentration and stable isotope ratios (Table 2, 3, 4)

The deployment of CCS (carbon capture and storage) at industrial scale implies the development of effective monitoring tools. Noble gases are tracers usually proposed to track CO2. This methodology, combined with the geochemistry of carbon isotopes, has been tested on available analogues. At first, gases from natural analogues were sampled in the Colorado Plateau and in the French carbogaseous provinces, in both well-confined and leaking-sites. Second, we performed a 2-years tracing experience on an underground natural gas storage, sampling gas each month during injection and withdrawal periods. In natural analogues, the geochemical fingerprints are dependent on the containment criterion and on the geological context, giving tools to detect a leakage of deep-CO2 toward surface. This study also provides information on the origin of CO2, as well as residence time of fluids within the crust and clues on the physico-chemical processes occurring during the geological story. The study on the industrial analogue demonstrates the feasibility of using noble gases as tracers of CO2. Withdrawn gases follow geochemical trends coherent with mixing processes between injected gas end-members. Physico-chemical processes revealed by the tracing occur at transient state. These two complementary studies proved the interest of geochemical monitoring to survey the CO2 behaviour, and gave information on its use.

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Jeandel, Elodie, Battani, Anne, Sarda, Ohilippe (2016). Dataset: Gas composition, concentration and stable isotope ratios (Table 2, 3, 4).

DOI retrieved: 2016

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Jeandel, Elodie
Given Name Elodie
Family Name Jeandel
More Authors
Battani, Anne
Sarda, Ohilippe
Source Creation 2016
Publication Year 2016
Subject Areas
Name: HumanDimensions

Related Identifiers
Title: Lessons learned from natural and industrial analogues for storage of carbon dioxide
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2010
Source: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Authors: Jeandel Elodie , Battani Anne , Sarda Ohilippe .