Effect of Ocean Acidification and enhanced irradiances on compositon, productivity and physiology of an Arctic phytoplankton assemblage

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Hoppe, Clara Jule Marie, Schuback, Nina, Semeniuk, David M, Giesbrecht, Karina E, Mol, Jacoba, Thomas, Helmuth, Maldonado, Maria T, Rost, Björn, Varela, Diana E, Tortell, Philippe Daniel (2018). Dataset: Effect of Ocean Acidification and enhanced irradiances on compositon, productivity and physiology of an Arctic phytoplankton assemblage. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.879778

DOI retrieved: 2018

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.879778
Author Hoppe, Clara Jule Marie
Given Name Clara Jule Marie
Family Name Hoppe
More Authors
Schuback, Nina
Semeniuk, David M
Giesbrecht, Karina E
Mol, Jacoba
Thomas, Helmuth
Maldonado, Maria T
Rost, Björn
Varela, Diana E
Tortell, Philippe Daniel
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Hoppe-etal_2017b
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Ecology

Related Identifiers
Title: Resistance of Arctic phytoplankton to ocean acidification and enhanced irradiance
Identifier: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00300-017-2186-0
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2018
Source: Polar Biology
Authors: Hoppe Clara Jule Marie , Schuback Nina , Semeniuk David M , Giesbrecht Karina E , Mol Jacoba , Thomas H , Maldonado Maria T , Rost Björn , Varela Diana E , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Hoppe Clara Jule Marie , Schuback Nina , Semeniuk David M , Giesbrecht Karina E , Mol Jacoba , Thomas Helmuth , Maldonado Maria T , Rost Björn , Varela Diana E , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Gattuso Jean-Pierre , Epitalon Jean-Marie , Lavigne Héloïse , Orr James C , Gentili Bernard , Proye Aurélien , Soetaert Karline , Rae James .

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Identifier: https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.878255
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2017
Authors: Hoppe Clara Jule Marie , Schuback Nina , Semeniuk David M , Giesbrecht Karina E , Mol Jacoba , Thomas H , Maldonado Maria T , Rost Björn , Varela Diana E , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Hoppe Clara Jule Marie , Schuback Nina , Semeniuk David M , Giesbrecht Karina E , Mol Jacoba , Thomas Helmuth , Maldonado Maria T , Rost Björn , Varela Diana E , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Gattuso Jean-Pierre , Epitalon Jean-Marie , Lavigne Héloïse , Orr James C , Gentili Bernard , Proye Aurélien , Soetaert Karline , Rae James .

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Authors: Hoppe Clara Jule Marie , Schuback Nina , Semeniuk David M , Giesbrecht Karina E , Mol Jacoba , Thomas H , Maldonado Maria T , Rost Björn , Varela Diana E , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Hoppe Clara Jule Marie , Schuback Nina , Semeniuk David M , Giesbrecht Karina E , Mol Jacoba , Thomas Helmuth , Maldonado Maria T , Rost Björn , Varela Diana E , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Gattuso Jean-Pierre , Epitalon Jean-Marie , Lavigne Héloïse , Orr James C , Gentili Bernard , Proye Aurélien , Soetaert Karline , Rae James .