Color reflectance L from RGB of IODP Hole 354-U1452C

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Weber, Michael E, Lantzsch, Hendrik, Dekens, Petra S, Das, Supriyo Kumar, Reilly, Brendan T, Martos, Yasmina M, Meyer-Jacob, Carsten, Agrahari, Sandip, Ekblad, Alf, Titschack, Jürgen, Holmes, Elisabeth, Wolfgramm, Philipp (2018). Dataset: Color reflectance L from RGB of IODP Hole 354-U1452C.

DOI retrieved: 2018

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Weber, Michael E
Given Name Michael E
Family Name Weber
More Authors
Lantzsch, Hendrik
Dekens, Petra S
Das, Supriyo Kumar
Reilly, Brendan T
Martos, Yasmina M
Meyer-Jacob, Carsten
Agrahari, Sandip
Ekblad, Alf
Titschack, Jürgen
Holmes, Elisabeth
Wolfgramm, Philipp
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: 354-U1452C_color_L_RGB
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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Authors: Weber Michael E , Lantzsch Hendrik , Dekens Petra S , Das Supriyo Kumar , Reilly Brendan T , Martos Yasmina M , Meyer-Jacob Carsten , Agrahari Sandip , Ekblad Alf , Titschack Jürgen , Holmes Elisabeth , Wolfgramm Philipp , Weber Michael E , Reichelt Lucia , Kuhn Gerhard , Pfeiffer Miriam , Korff Björn , Thurow Juergen W , Ricken Werner .

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Authors: Weber Michael E , Lantzsch Hendrik , Dekens Petra S , Das Supriyo Kumar , Reilly Brendan T , Martos Yasmina M , Meyer-Jacob Carsten , Agrahari Sandip , Ekblad Alf , Titschack Jürgen , Holmes Elisabeth , Wolfgramm Philipp , Weber Michael E , Reichelt Lucia , Kuhn Gerhard , Pfeiffer Miriam , Korff Björn , Thurow Juergen W , Ricken Werner .