Diatom-bound nitrogen isotope records in sediment core MD11-3353

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Studer, Anja S, Sigman, Daniel M, Martínez‐García, Alfredo, Thöle, Lena, Michel, Elisabeth, Jaccard, Samuel L, Lippold, Jörg, Mazaud, Alain, Wang, Xingchen, Robinson, Laura F, Adkins, Jess F, Haug, Gerald H (2018). Dataset: Diatom-bound nitrogen isotope records in sediment core MD11-3353. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.891433

DOI retrieved: 2018

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.891433
Author Studer, Anja S
Given Name Anja S
Family Name Studer
More Authors
Sigman, Daniel M
Martínez‐García, Alfredo
Thöle, Lena
Michel, Elisabeth
Jaccard, Samuel L
Lippold, Jörg
Mazaud, Alain
Wang, Xingchen
Robinson, Laura F
Adkins, Jess F
Haug, Gerald H
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: MD11-3353_nitrogen_isotopes
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Lithosphere

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
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Identifier: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-018-0191-8
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2018
Source: Nature Geoscience
Authors: Studer Anja S , Sigman Daniel M , Martínez‐García Alfredo , Thöle Lena , Michel Elisabeth , Jaccard Samuel L , Lippold Jörg , Mazaud Alain , Wang Xingchen , Robinson Laura F , Adkins Jess F , Haug Gerald H .