Gridded temperature maximum for global photosynthesis, in NetCDF format

Two important points exist within temperature dependence curves for biosphere metabolism: the inflection point (T_inf), and the thermal maximum (T_max). The inflection point for temperature dependent rates represents temperatures where an increase in rate (k) is maximal relative to temperature (T). The thermal maximum represents the top of the temperature dependence curve where any additional increase in temperature will decrease metabolic rate. Here we define T_max for the land uptake as temperatures beyond which photosynthetic rate decreases (T_max).

T_max was calculated for the terrestrial biosphere using MacroMolecular Rate Theory(MMRT) and FLUXNET data. More information on MMRT can be found in Arcus et al. (2016).

Information on the 2015 FLUXNET synthesis dataset can be found here:

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Cite this as

Duffy, Katharyn, Schwalm, Christopher, Arcus, Vickery, Koch, George, Liang, Liyin, Schipper, Louis (2018). Dataset: Gridded temperature maximum for global photosynthesis, in NetCDF format.

DOI retrieved: 2018

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Duffy, Katharyn
Given Name Katharyn
Family Name Duffy
More Authors
Schwalm, Christopher
Arcus, Vickery
Koch, George
Liang, Liyin
Schipper, Louis
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Subject Areas
Name: Biosphere

Related Identifiers
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