Inventory of supraglacial cliffs and ponds in Langtang catchment (Nepal) between 1974 and 2015

We delineated supraglacial ice cliffs and ponds on all glaciers of the Langtang catchment in the Nepalese Himalaya between 1974 and 2015 with high-resolution satellite data. The data includes all feature outlines (.shp files) as well as average feature statistics (area, slope, aspect etc) for each feature (.txt files). A detailed description can be found in the accompanying manuscript. More raw data upon request.

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Steiner, Jakob F (2019). Dataset: Inventory of supraglacial cliffs and ponds in Langtang catchment (Nepal) between 1974 and 2015.

DOI retrieved: 2019

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Steiner, Jakob F
Given Name Jakob F
Family Name Steiner
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Steiner_2019
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Supraglacial ice cliffs and ponds on debris-covered glaciers: spatio-temporal distribution and characteristics
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2019
Source: Journal of Glaciology
Authors: Steiner Jakob F , Buri Pascal , Miles Evan S , Ragettli Silvan , Pellicciotti Francesca .