Palynology, biomarkers and droplet digital PCR data from the Late Quaternary of Site GS15-198-38, Greenland Sea

At Site GS15-198-38, Greenland Sea, we analysed the surface sample (from a multicore) and eight Late Quaternary samples from a Calypso core. The age model for the Calypso core GS15-198-38CC is based on seven AMS 14C ages down to 345 cm, and a 5-cm resolution N. pachyderma sinistral isotope stratigraphy (1) below that level. We analysed the palynology, generated organic biomarker data (including IP25, sterols) and performed quantitative PCR (droplet digital PCR, ddPCR) of the sympagic dinoflagellate Polarella glacialis.

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Cite this as

De Schepper, Stijn, Ray, Jessica L, Skaar, Katrine S, Sadatzki, Henrik, Ijaz, Umer Zeeshan, Stein, Ruediger, Larsen, Aud (2019). Dataset: Palynology, biomarkers and droplet digital PCR data from the Late Quaternary of Site GS15-198-38, Greenland Sea.

DOI retrieved: 2019

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author De Schepper, Stijn
Given Name Stijn
Family Name De Schepper
More Authors
Ray, Jessica L
Skaar, Katrine S
Sadatzki, Henrik
Ijaz, Umer Zeeshan
Stein, Ruediger
Larsen, Aud
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type application/zip - filename: DeScheper_2019
Subject Areas
Name: Biosphere

Name: Ecology

Related Identifiers
Title: The potential of sedimentary ancient DNA for reconstructing past sea ice evolution
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2019
Source: The ISME Journal
Authors: De Schepper Stijn , Ray Jessica L , Skaar Katrine S , Sadatzki Henrik , Ijaz Umer Zeeshan , Stein Ruediger , Larsen Aud .