PHYTOBASE: A global synthesis of open ocean phytoplankton occurrences

Marine phytoplankton are responsible for half of the global net primary production and perform multiple other ecological functions and services of the global ocean. These photosynthetic organisms comprise more than 4300 marine species, but their biogeographic patterns and the resulting species diversity are poorly known, mostly owing to severe data limitations. Here, we compile, synthesize, and harmonize marine phytoplankton occurrence data from the two largest biological occurrence archives (Ocean Biogeographic Information System; OBIS, and Global Biodiversity Information Facility; GBIF) and three recent data collections. The resulting PhytoBase data set contains over 1.36 million marine phytoplankton occurrence records (1.28 million at the level of species) for a total of 1704 species, spanning the principal groups of the Bacillariophyceae, Dinoflagellata, and Haptophyta as well as several other groups. This data compilation increases the amount of phytoplankton occurrence data available through the single largest contributing archive (OBIS) by 65%. Data span all ocean basins, latitudes and most seasons. Analyzing the oceanic inventory of sampled phytoplankton species richness at the broadest spatial scales possible, using a resampling procedure, we find that richness tends to saturate in the pantropics at ~93% of all species in our database, at ~64% in temperate waters, and at ~35% in the cold Northern Hemisphere, while the Southern Hemisphere remains underexplored. We provide metadata on the cruise, research institution, depth, and date for each occurrence record. Cell-counts for 193 763 records are also included. We strongly recommend consideration of global spatiotemporal biases in sampling intensity and varying taxonomic sampling scopes between research programs when analyzing the occurrence database. Including such information into statistical analysis tools, such as species distribution models, may serve to project the diversity, niches, and distribution of species in the contemporary and future ocean, opening the door for a quantification of macro-ecological phytoplankton patterns.

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Righetti, Damiano, Vogt, Meike, Zimmermann, Niklaus E, Guiry, Michael D, Gruber, Nicolas (2019). Dataset: PHYTOBASE: A global synthesis of open ocean phytoplankton occurrences.

DOI retrieved: 2019

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Righetti, Damiano
Given Name Damiano
Family Name Righetti
More Authors
Vogt, Meike
Zimmermann, Niklaus E
Guiry, Michael D
Gruber, Nicolas
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

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Title: PHYTOBASE: A global synthesis of open ocean phytoplankton occurrences
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Source: Earth System Science Data Discussions
Authors: Righetti Damiano , Vogt Meike , Zimmermann Niklaus E , Gruber Nicolas , Buitenhuis Erik Theodoor , Li William K W , Vaulot D , Lomas Michael W , Landry M R , Partensky Frédéric , Karl David Michael , Ulloa Osvaldo , Campbell L , Jacquet Stéphan , Lantoine F , Chavez Francisco P , Macias D , Gosselin M , McManus George B , Leblanc Karine , Arístegui Ruiz Javier , Armand Leanne K , Assmy Philipp , Beker B , Bode Antonio , Breton E , Cornet V , Gibson J , Gosselin M-P , Kopczynska E E , Marshall Harold G , Peloquin Jill M , Piontkovski S , Poulton Alex J , Quéguiner Bernard , Schiebel Ralf , Shipe R , Stefels Jacqueline , van Leeuwe Maria A , Varela M , Widdicombe Claire E , Yallop M , Luo Yawei , Doney Scott C , Anderson L A , Benavides Mar , Berman-Frank I , Bode Antonio , Bonnet S , Boström Kjärstin H , Böttjer D , Capone D G , Carpenter E J , Chen Yaw-Lin , Church Matthew J , Dore John E , Falcón Luisa I , Fernández A , Foster R A , Furuya Ken , Gomez Fernando , Gundersen Kjell , Hynes Annette M , Karl David Michael , Kitajima Satoshi , Langlois Rebecca , LaRoche Julie , Letelier Ricardo M , Marañón Emilio , McGillicuddy Jr Dennis J , Moisander Pia H , Moore C Mark , Mouriño-Carballido Beatriz , Mulholland Margaret R , Needoba Joseph A , Orcutt Karen M , Poulton Alex J , Rahav Eyal , Raimbault Patrick , Rees Andrew , Riemann Lasse , Shiozaki Takuhei , Subramaniam Ajit , Tyrrell Toby , Turk-Kubo Kendra A , Varela Manuel , Villareal Tracy A , Webb Eric A , White Angelicque E , Wu Jingfeng , Zehr Jonathan P , O'Brien Colleen J , Peloquin Jill A , Vogt Martin , Heinle M , Gruber Nicolas , Ajani P , Andruleit Harald , Arístegui Javier , Beaufort Luc , Estrada Marta , Karentz Deneb , Kopczynska E E , Lee R , Poulton Alex J , Pritchard T , Widdicombe Claire E , Sal Sofía , Lopez-Urrutia Angel , Irigoien Xabier , Harbour Derek , Harris Roger P , Villar Emilie , Farrant Gregory K , Follows Michael J , Garczarek Laurence , Speich Sabrina , Audic Stephane , Bittner Lucie , Blanke Bruno , Brum Jennifer R , Brunet Christian , Casotti Raffaella , Chase Alison P , Dolan John , D'Ortenzio Fabrizio , Gattuso Jean-Pierre , Grima Nicolas , Guidi L , Hill Christopher N , Jahn Oliver , Jamet Jean-Louis , Le Goff Hervé , Lepoivre Cyrille , Malviya Shruti , Pelletier Eric , Romagnan Jean-Baptiste , Roux Simon , Santini Sébastien , Scalco Eleonora , Schwenk Sarah M , Tanaka A , Testor Pierre , Vannier Thomas , Vincent Flora , Zingone Adriana , Dimier Céline , Picheral Marc , Searson Sarah , Kandels-Lewis Stefanie , Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators , Acinas Silvia G , Bork Peer , Boss Emmanuel , De Vargas Colomban , Gorsky G , Ogata Hiroyuki , Pesant Stephane , Sullivan Matthew B , Sunagawa Shinichi , Wincker Patrick , Karsenti Eric , Bowler Chris , Not Fabrice , Hingamp Pascal , Iudicone Daniele , Vogt Meike , O'Brien Colleen J , Peloquin Jill M , Schoemann Véronique , Breton Elsa , Estrada Marta , Gibson John , Karentz Deneb , van Leeuwe Maria A , Stefels Jacqueline , Widdicombe Claire E , Peperzak Louis , Buitenhuis Erik Theodoor , Li William K W , Vaulot D , Lomas Michael W , Landry M R , Partensky Frédéric , Karl David Michael , Ulloa Osvaldo , Campbell L , Jacquet Stéphan , Lantoine F , Chavez Francisco P , Macias D , Gosselin M , McManus George B , Leblanc Karine , Arístegui Ruiz Javier , Armand Leanne K , Assmy Philipp , Beker B , Bode Antonio , Breton E , Cornet V , Gibson J , Gosselin M-P , Kopczynska E E , Marshall Harold G , Peloquin Jill M , Piontkovski S , Poulton Alex J , Quéguiner Bernard , Schiebel Ralf , Shipe R , Stefels Jacqueline , van Leeuwe Maria A , Varela M , Widdicombe Claire E , Yallop M , Luo Yawei , Doney Scott C , Anderson L A , Benavides Mar , Berman-Frank I , Bode Antonio , Bonnet S , Boström Kjärstin H , Böttjer D , Capone D G , Carpenter E J , Chen Yaw-Lin , Church Matthew J , Dore John E , Falcón Luisa I , Fernández A , Foster R A , Furuya Ken , Gomez Fernando , Gundersen Kjell , Hynes Annette M , Karl David Michael , Kitajima Satoshi , Langlois Rebecca , LaRoche Julie , Letelier Ricardo M , Marañón Emilio , McGillicuddy Jr Dennis J , Moisander Pia H , Moore C Mark , Mouriño-Carballido Beatriz , Mulholland Margaret R , Needoba Joseph A , Orcutt Karen M , Poulton Alex J , Rahav Eyal , Raimbault Patrick , Rees Andrew , Riemann Lasse , Shiozaki Takuhei , Subramaniam Ajit , Tyrrell Toby , Turk-Kubo Kendra A , Varela Manuel , Villareal Tracy A , Webb Eric A , White Angelicque E , Wu Jingfeng , Zehr Jonathan P , Righetti Damiano , Vogt Meike , Zimmermann Niklaus E , Gruber Nicolas , Vogt Meike , O'Brien Colleen J , Peloquin Jill M , Schoemann Véronique , Breton Elsa , Estrada Marta , Gibson John , Karentz Deneb , van Leeuwe Maria A , Stefels Jacqueline , Widdicombe Claire E , Peperzak Louis .

Title: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Righetti Damiano , Vogt Meike , Zimmermann Niklaus E , Gruber Nicolas , Buitenhuis Erik Theodoor , Li William K W , Vaulot D , Lomas Michael W , Landry M R , Partensky Frédéric , Karl David Michael , Ulloa Osvaldo , Campbell L , Jacquet Stéphan , Lantoine F , Chavez Francisco P , Macias D , Gosselin M , McManus George B , Leblanc Karine , Arístegui Ruiz Javier , Armand Leanne K , Assmy Philipp , Beker B , Bode Antonio , Breton E , Cornet V , Gibson J , Gosselin M-P , Kopczynska E E , Marshall Harold G , Peloquin Jill M , Piontkovski S , Poulton Alex J , Quéguiner Bernard , Schiebel Ralf , Shipe R , Stefels Jacqueline , van Leeuwe Maria A , Varela M , Widdicombe Claire E , Yallop M , Luo Yawei , Doney Scott C , Anderson L A , Benavides Mar , Berman-Frank I , Bode Antonio , Bonnet S , Boström Kjärstin H , Böttjer D , Capone D G , Carpenter E J , Chen Yaw-Lin , Church Matthew J , Dore John E , Falcón Luisa I , Fernández A , Foster R A , Furuya Ken , Gomez Fernando , Gundersen Kjell , Hynes Annette M , Karl David Michael , Kitajima Satoshi , Langlois Rebecca , LaRoche Julie , Letelier Ricardo M , Marañón Emilio , McGillicuddy Jr Dennis J , Moisander Pia H , Moore C Mark , Mouriño-Carballido Beatriz , Mulholland Margaret R , Needoba Joseph A , Orcutt Karen M , Poulton Alex J , Rahav Eyal , Raimbault Patrick , Rees Andrew , Riemann Lasse , Shiozaki Takuhei , Subramaniam Ajit , Tyrrell Toby , Turk-Kubo Kendra A , Varela Manuel , Villareal Tracy A , Webb Eric A , White Angelicque E , Wu Jingfeng , Zehr Jonathan P , O'Brien Colleen J , Peloquin Jill A , Vogt Martin , Heinle M , Gruber Nicolas , Ajani P , Andruleit Harald , Arístegui Javier , Beaufort Luc , Estrada Marta , Karentz Deneb , Kopczynska E E , Lee R , Poulton Alex J , Pritchard T , Widdicombe Claire E , Sal Sofía , Lopez-Urrutia Angel , Irigoien Xabier , Harbour Derek , Harris Roger P , Villar Emilie , Farrant Gregory K , Follows Michael J , Garczarek Laurence , Speich Sabrina , Audic Stephane , Bittner Lucie , Blanke Bruno , Brum Jennifer R , Brunet Christian , Casotti Raffaella , Chase Alison P , Dolan John , D'Ortenzio Fabrizio , Gattuso Jean-Pierre , Grima Nicolas , Guidi L , Hill Christopher N , Jahn Oliver , Jamet Jean-Louis , Le Goff Hervé , Lepoivre Cyrille , Malviya Shruti , Pelletier Eric , Romagnan Jean-Baptiste , Roux Simon , Santini Sébastien , Scalco Eleonora , Schwenk Sarah M , Tanaka A , Testor Pierre , Vannier Thomas , Vincent Flora , Zingone Adriana , Dimier Céline , Picheral Marc , Searson Sarah , Kandels-Lewis Stefanie , Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators , Acinas Silvia G , Bork Peer , Boss Emmanuel , De Vargas Colomban , Gorsky G , Ogata Hiroyuki , Pesant Stephane , Sullivan Matthew B , Sunagawa Shinichi , Wincker Patrick , Karsenti Eric , Bowler Chris , Not Fabrice , Hingamp Pascal , Iudicone Daniele , Vogt Meike , O'Brien Colleen J , Peloquin Jill M , Schoemann Véronique , Breton Elsa , Estrada Marta , Gibson John , Karentz Deneb , van Leeuwe Maria A , Stefels Jacqueline , Widdicombe Claire E , Peperzak Louis , Buitenhuis Erik Theodoor , Li William K W , Vaulot D , Lomas Michael W , Landry M R , Partensky Frédéric , Karl David Michael , Ulloa Osvaldo , Campbell L , Jacquet Stéphan , Lantoine F , Chavez Francisco P , Macias D , Gosselin M , McManus George B , Leblanc Karine , Arístegui Ruiz Javier , Armand Leanne K , Assmy Philipp , Beker B , Bode Antonio , Breton E , Cornet V , Gibson J , Gosselin M-P , Kopczynska E E , Marshall Harold G , Peloquin Jill M , Piontkovski S , Poulton Alex J , Quéguiner Bernard , Schiebel Ralf , Shipe R , Stefels Jacqueline , van Leeuwe Maria A , Varela M , Widdicombe Claire E , Yallop M , Luo Yawei , Doney Scott C , Anderson L A , Benavides Mar , Berman-Frank I , Bode Antonio , Bonnet S , Boström Kjärstin H , Böttjer D , Capone D G , Carpenter E J , Chen Yaw-Lin , Church Matthew J , Dore John E , Falcón Luisa I , Fernández A , Foster R A , Furuya Ken , Gomez Fernando , Gundersen Kjell , Hynes Annette M , Karl David Michael , Kitajima Satoshi , Langlois Rebecca , LaRoche Julie , Letelier Ricardo M , Marañón Emilio , McGillicuddy Jr Dennis J , Moisander Pia H , Moore C Mark , Mouriño-Carballido Beatriz , Mulholland Margaret R , Needoba Joseph A , Orcutt Karen M , Poulton Alex J , Rahav Eyal , Raimbault Patrick , Rees Andrew , Riemann Lasse , Shiozaki Takuhei , Subramaniam Ajit , Tyrrell Toby , Turk-Kubo Kendra A , Varela Manuel , Villareal Tracy A , Webb Eric A , White Angelicque E , Wu Jingfeng , Zehr Jonathan P , Righetti Damiano , Vogt Meike , Zimmermann Niklaus E , Gruber Nicolas , Vogt Meike , O'Brien Colleen J , Peloquin Jill M , Schoemann Véronique , Breton Elsa , Estrada Marta , Gibson John , Karentz Deneb , van Leeuwe Maria A , Stefels Jacqueline , Widdicombe Claire E , Peperzak Louis .