Compilation of radionuclides, mercury contaminations, and ln(Zr/Rb) ratios, together with mean grain size and organic carbon data records, obtained from sediment sequences of the south-eastern North Sea region

Depositional processes in coastal wetlands respond to a changing climate as documented in the sediment successions of salt marshes. In this context, robust chronologies are crucial for the reconstruction of salt-marsh depositional processes in the past. However, salt-marsh sediments from the highly dynamic North Sea coast often lack a reliable stratigraphy due to the combined influences of natural processes and human activities, causing a reworking and re-deposition of the sediments. Here, a combination of absolute and relative dating methods was applied in order to establish an integrated stratigraphic framework for active foreland salt marshes along the south-eastern North Sea coast. This stratigraphic framework is based on radionuclides (210Pb, 137Cs, 14C) and mercury (Hg) contaminations, together with ln(Zr/Rb) as a grain-size proxy for additional inter-correlation between the sites. The studied salt marshes encompass different environmental settings concerning the inundation frequency and intensity, and anthropogenic influences. As a result, the reconstructed average sediment accretion rates range from 1.31 cm yr-1 in the more sheltered and semi-enclosed salt marshes in the Bay of Tümlau, to 1.16 cm yr-1 in the anthropogenic modified and grazed coastal salt marsh at Friedrichskoog, and to 1.75 cm yr-1 in the dynamic open coastal salt marsh at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog. Similar mean high accretion rates of 1.72 cm yr-1 are documented for the Eider estuary until AD 1965, before they dropped to 0.72 cm yr-1 after completion of the Eider tidal barrier in AD 1973. The results highlight the advantage of combining independent dating methods for the establishment of salt-marsh chronologies. The reconstructed sediment-accretion rates suggest a high resilience of salt-marsh systems to ongoing sea-level rise as long as sediment availability and natural flooding dynamics are maintained.

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Bunzel, Dorothea, Milker, Yvonne, Müller-Navarra, Katharina, Arz, Helge Wolfgang, Friedrich, Jana, Lahajnar, Niko, Schmiedl, Gerhard (2019). Dataset: Compilation of radionuclides, mercury contaminations, and ln(Zr/Rb) ratios, together with mean grain size and organic carbon data records, obtained from sediment sequences of the south-eastern North Sea region.

DOI retrieved: 2019

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Bunzel, Dorothea
Given Name Dorothea
Family Name Bunzel
More Authors
Milker, Yvonne
Müller-Navarra, Katharina
Arz, Helge Wolfgang
Friedrich, Jana
Lahajnar, Niko
Schmiedl, Gerhard
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Bunzel-etal_2019
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Integrated stratigraphy of foreland salt-marsh sediments of the south-eastern North Sea region
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2020
Source: Newsletters on Stratigraphy
Authors: Bunzel Dorothea , Milker Yvonne , Müller-Navarra Katharina , Arz Helge Wolfgang , Friedrich Jana , Lahajnar Niko , Schmiedl Gerhard .

Title: (Table A4) Mercury analyses performed on fossil sediment sequence GeoHH-SH02.2
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Cordua Amalie , Lindhorst Sebastian .