Macrofaunal abundance and biodiversity in sediments in the Canadian Arctic in 2008 and 2009

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Link, Heike, Archambault, Philippe, Grant, C, de Montety, L, Treau de Coeli, L (2020). Dataset: Macrofaunal abundance and biodiversity in sediments in the Canadian Arctic in 2008 and 2009.

DOI retrieved: 2020

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Author Link, Heike
Given Name Heike
Family Name Link
More Authors
Archambault, Philippe
Grant, C
de Montety, L
Treau de Coeli, L
Source Creation 2020
Publication Year 2020
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Link-etal_2020_Macrofauna
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Ecology

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
Title: Étudier le fonctionnement de l'écosystème benthique de zones considérées comme des hotspots et coldspots de l'Arctique canadien / Studying the functioning of benthic hotspot and coldspot ecosystems in the Canadian Arctic
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Rimouski, Québec, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (ISMER)
Authors: Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Wei Chih-Lin , Cusson Mathieu , Archambault Philippe , Belley Renald , Brown Tanya , Burd Brenda J , Edinger Evan , Kenchington Ellen L , Gilkinson Kent , Lawton Peter , Link Heike , Ramey-Balci Patricia A , Scrosati Ricardo A , Snelgrove Paul V R .

Title: Spring-to-summer changes and regional variability of benthic processes in the western Canadian Arctic
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2011
Source: Polar Biology
Authors: Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Wei Chih-Lin , Cusson Mathieu , Archambault Philippe , Belley Renald , Brown Tanya , Burd Brenda J , Edinger Evan , Kenchington Ellen L , Gilkinson Kent , Lawton Peter , Link Heike , Ramey-Balci Patricia A , Scrosati Ricardo A , Snelgrove Paul V R .

Title: Are Hotspots Always Hotspots? The Relationship between Diversity, Resource and Ecosystem Functions in the Arctic
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2013
Source: PLoS ONE
Authors: Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Wei Chih-Lin , Cusson Mathieu , Archambault Philippe , Belley Renald , Brown Tanya , Burd Brenda J , Edinger Evan , Kenchington Ellen L , Gilkinson Kent , Lawton Peter , Link Heike , Ramey-Balci Patricia A , Scrosati Ricardo A , Snelgrove Paul V R .

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Type: DOI
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Authors: Link Heike , Link Heike , Archambault Philippe , Tamelander Tobias , Renaud Paul E , Piepenburg Dieter , Link Heike , Piepenburg Dieter , Archambault Philippe , Wei Chih-Lin , Cusson Mathieu , Archambault Philippe , Belley Renald , Brown Tanya , Burd Brenda J , Edinger Evan , Kenchington Ellen L , Gilkinson Kent , Lawton Peter , Link Heike , Ramey-Balci Patricia A , Scrosati Ricardo A , Snelgrove Paul V R .