Seawater carbonate chemistry and photosynthetic potential, cell density, lipid content of Symbiodinium

Dinoflagellates from the Symbiodiniaceae family and corals have an ecologically important endosymbiotic relationship. Scleractinian corals cannot survive for long periods without their symbionts. These algae, also known as zooxanthellae, on the other hand, thrives outside the coral cells. The free-living populations of zooxanthellae are essential for the resilience of the coral to environmental stressors such as temperature anomalies and ocean acidification. Yet, little is known about how ocean acidification may affect the free-living zooxanthellae. In this study we aimed to test morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of zooxanthellae from the Symbiodinium genus isolated from the coral Mussismilia braziliensis, endemic to the Brazilian coast, to acidification led by increased atmospheric CO2. We tested whether photosynthetic yield, cell ultrastructure, cell density and lipid profile would change after up to 16 days of exposure to pH 7.5 in an atmospheric pCO2 of 1633 μatm. Photosynthetic yield and cell density were negatively affected and chloroplasts showed vesiculated thylakoids, indicating morphological damage. Moreover, Symbiodinium fatty acid profile drastically changed in acidified condition, showing lower polyunsaturated fatty acids and higher saturated fatty acids contents, when compared to the control, non-acidified condition. These results show that seawater acidification as an only stressor causes significant changes in the physiology, biochemistry and ultrastructure of free-living Symbiodinium.

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Hill, Lilian J, Paradas, Wladimir C, Willemes, Maria Julia, Pereira, Miria G, Salomon, Paulo S, Mariath, Rodrigo, Moura, Rodrigo L, Atella, Georgia C, Farina, Marcos, Amado-Filho, Gilberto M, Salgado, Leonardo T (2019). Dataset: Seawater carbonate chemistry and photosynthetic potential, cell density, lipid content of Symbiodinium.

DOI retrieved: 2019

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Hill, Lilian J
Given Name Lilian J
Family Name Hill
More Authors
Paradas, Wladimir C
Willemes, Maria Julia
Pereira, Miria G
Salomon, Paulo S
Mariath, Rodrigo
Moura, Rodrigo L
Atella, Georgia C
Farina, Marcos
Amado-Filho, Gilberto M
Salgado, Leonardo T
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Hill-etal_2019_Plos
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Chemistry

Related Identifiers
Title: Acidification-induced cellular changes in Symbiodinium isolated from Mussismilia braziliensis
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: PLoS ONE
Authors: Hill Lilian J , Paradas Wladimir C , Willemes Maria Julia , Pereira Miria G , Salomon Paulo S , Mariath Rodrigo , Moura Rodrigo L , Atella Georgia C , Farina Marcos , Amado-Filho Gilberto M , Salgado Leonardo T , Gattuso Jean-Pierre , Epitalon Jean-Marie , Lavigne Héloïse , Orr James C , Gentili Bernard , Hagens Mathilde , Hofmann Andreas , Mueller Jens-Daniel , Proye Aurélien , Rae James , Soetaert Karline .

Title: seacarb: seawater carbonate chemistry with R. R package version 3.2.12
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Authors: Hill Lilian J , Paradas Wladimir C , Willemes Maria Julia , Pereira Miria G , Salomon Paulo S , Mariath Rodrigo , Moura Rodrigo L , Atella Georgia C , Farina Marcos , Amado-Filho Gilberto M , Salgado Leonardo T , Gattuso Jean-Pierre , Epitalon Jean-Marie , Lavigne Héloïse , Orr James C , Gentili Bernard , Hagens Mathilde , Hofmann Andreas , Mueller Jens-Daniel , Proye Aurélien , Rae James , Soetaert Karline .