Marine20 - the marine radiocarbon age calibration curve (0 - 55,000 cal BP), simulated data for IntCal20

The concentration of radiocarbon (14C) differs between ocean and atmosphere. Radiocarbon determinations from samples which obtained their 14C in the marine environment therefore need a marine-specific calibration curve and cannot be calibrated directly against the atmospheric-based IntCal20 curve. This paper presents Marine20, an update to the internationally-agreed marine radiocarbon age calibration curve that provides a non-polar global-average marine record of radiocarbon from 0 – 55 cal kBP and serves as a baseline for regional oceanic variation. Marine20 is based upon 500 simulations with an ocean/atmosphere/biosphere box-model of the global carbon cycle that has been forced by posterior realisations of our Northern Hemispheric atmospheric IntCal20 14C curve and reconstructed changes in CO2 obtained from ice core data. These forcings enable us to incorporate carbon cycle dynamics and temporal changes in the atmospheric 14C level. The box-model simulations of the global-average marine radiocarbon reservoir age are similar to those of a more complex three-dimensional ocean general circulation model. However, simplicity and speed of the box model allow us to use a Monte Carlo approach to rigorously propagate the uncertainty in both the historic concentration of atmospheric 14C and other key parameters of the carbon cycle through to our final Marine20 calibration curve. This robust propagation of uncertainty is fundamental to providing reliable precision for the radiocarbon age calibration of marine based samples. We make a first step towards deconvolving the contributions of different processes to the total uncertainty; discuss the main differences of Marine20 from the previous age calibration curve Marine13; and identify the limitations of our approach together with key areas for further work. The updated values for 𝛥𝑅, the regional marine radiocarbon reservoir age corrections required to calibrate against Marine20, can be found at the data base

This data set includes: - the data plotted in the related manuscript, including Marine20, and IntCal20, the most recent version of the radiocarbon age calibration curves - the 500 northern hemispheric atmospheric Δ14C realisations of IntCal20 used as input for the calculation of Marine20 - a netCDF file from the LSG OCGCM with spatially resolved marine reservoir ages.

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Heaton, Timothy J, Köhler, Peter, Butzin, Martin, Bard, Edouard, Reimer, Ron W, Austin, William EN, Ramsey, Christopher Bronk, Grootes, Pieter Meiert, Hughen, Konrad A, Kromer, Bernd, Reimer, Paula J, Adkins, Jess F, Burke, Andreas, Cook, Mea S, Olsen, Jesper, Skinner, Luke C (2020). Dataset: Marine20 - the marine radiocarbon age calibration curve (0 - 55,000 cal BP), simulated data for IntCal20.

DOI retrieved: 2020

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Heaton, Timothy J
Given Name Timothy J
Family Name Heaton
More Authors
Köhler, Peter
Butzin, Martin
Bard, Edouard
Reimer, Ron W
Austin, William EN
Ramsey, Christopher Bronk
Grootes, Pieter Meiert
Hughen, Konrad A
Kromer, Bernd
Reimer, Paula J
Adkins, Jess F
Burke, Andreas
Cook, Mea S
Olsen, Jesper
Skinner, Luke C
Source Creation 2020
Publication Year 2020
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Heaton-etal_2020
Subject Areas
Name: Geophysics

Related Identifiers
Title: Marine20 - the marine radiocarbon age calibration curve (0-55,000 cal BP)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Radiocarbon
Authors: Heaton Timothy J , Köhler Peter , Butzin Martin , Bard Edouard , Reimer Ron W , Austin William EN , Ramsey Christopher Bronk , Grootes Pieter Meiert , Hughen Konrad A , Kromer Bernd , Reimer Paula J , Adkins Jess F , Burke Andreas , Cook Mea S , Olsen Jesper , Skinner Luke C .