Compiled radiocarbon dating of Late Pleistocene syngenetic ice-wedges, northern Eurasia

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Vasil'chuk, Yurij K, Vasil'chuk, Alla Constantinovna (2020). Dataset: Compiled radiocarbon dating of Late Pleistocene syngenetic ice-wedges, northern Eurasia.

DOI retrieved: 2020

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Author Vasil'chuk, Yurij K
Given Name Yurij K
Family Name Vasil'chuk
More Authors
Vasil'chuk, Alla Constantinovna
Source Creation 2020
Publication Year 2020
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Northern_Siberia_Table3
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Radiocarbon dating and oxygen isotope variations in Late Pleistocene syngenetic ice-wedges, northern Siberia
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1997
Source: Permafrost and Periglacial Processes
Authors: Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Alla Constantinovna , Kotov Anatoly , Ryabchun V K , Lozhkin Anatoly V , Tomirdiaro S V , Chyornen'kii B I , Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Yurij K .

Title: Late Pleistocene Permafrost Deposits in the Mayn River Valley. Part 1: Ledovyi Obryv
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1986
Source: SVKNII DVNC AN SSSR, Magadan, 54 pp. [in Russian]
Authors: Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Alla Constantinovna , Kotov Anatoly , Ryabchun V K , Lozhkin Anatoly V , Tomirdiaro S V , Chyornen'kii B I , Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Yurij K .

Title: Radiocarbon dating of Upper Pleistocene deposits on Novosibirsk Islands and the age of the Yedoma Suite of Northeast USSR [in Russian]
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1977
Source: Transactions (Doklady) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Earth Science Sections
Authors: Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Alla Constantinovna , Kotov Anatoly , Ryabchun V K , Lozhkin Anatoly V , Tomirdiaro S V , Chyornen'kii B I , Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Yurij K .

Title: Cryogenic-Aeolian Deposits of the Eastern Arctic and Subarctic [in Russian]
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1987
Source: Nauka, Moscow (198 pp.)
Authors: Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Alla Constantinovna , Kotov Anatoly , Ryabchun V K , Lozhkin Anatoly V , Tomirdiaro S V , Chyornen'kii B I , Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Yurij K .

Title: Late Quaternary Syngenetic Permafrost Sediments of Northern Eurasia: Structure, Oxygen-Isotope Composition and Forming Conditions
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1991
Source: English summary, Permafrost Institute of Siberian Branch Academy of Science of USSR. Nauka, Moscow
Authors: Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Alla Constantinovna , Kotov Anatoly , Ryabchun V K , Lozhkin Anatoly V , Tomirdiaro S V , Chyornen'kii B I , Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Yurij K .

Title: Oxygen Isotope Composition of Ground Ice (Application to Paleogeocryological Reconstructions) [in Russian]
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1992
Source: Theor. Probl. Dept., RAS, Moscow University, Research Institute of Engineering for Construction (PNIIIS), Moscow (Volume 1, 420 pp., Volume 2, 264 pp.)
Authors: Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Alla Constantinovna , Kotov Anatoly , Ryabchun V K , Lozhkin Anatoly V , Tomirdiaro S V , Chyornen'kii B I , Vasil'chuk Yurij K , Vasil'chuk Yurij K .