Published carbon isotope fractionation (Ɛp) and environmental data for photic zone and surface sediment samples

References of the studies in which b has been calculated from Ɛp values from alkenones, together with the coordinates, in-situ and estimated (if in-situ was not available) [CO2]aq, PO43-, SST, PAR and modeled coccolithophore growth rate using the global model [Krumhardt et al., 2017]. Interpolated micropaelontological datasets to the locations of the surface sediment samples: planktonic foraminifera intermediate-surface ratio, relative abundance of Florisphaera profunda and offset in d18O between shallow and deep planktonic foraminifera used in Fig. 8. Calculations of the required growth rate and residuals of the pruned model (CO2aq + size) (Fig. 9).

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Hernández-Almeida, Iván, Krumhardt, Kristen M, Hongrui, Zhang, Stoll, Heather M (2020). Dataset: Published carbon isotope fractionation (Ɛp) and environmental data for photic zone and surface sediment samples.

DOI retrieved: 2020

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
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Author Hernández-Almeida, Iván
Given Name Iván
Family Name Hernández-Almeida
More Authors
Krumhardt, Kristen M
Hongrui, Zhang
Stoll, Heather M
Source Creation 2020
Publication Year 2020
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Hernandez-Almeida-etal_2020
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Geophysics

Name: Lithosphere

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Title: Estimation of physiological factors controlling carbon isotope fractionation in coccolithophores in photic zone and core-top sample
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Source: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Authors: Hernández-Almeida Iván , Krumhardt Kristen M , Hongrui Zhang , Stoll Heather M , Benthien Albert , Andersen Nils , Schulte Sonja , Müller Peter J , Schneider Ralph R , Wefer Gerold , Bidigare Robert R , Flügge Arnim , Freeman Katherine H , Hanson Kristi L , Hayes John M , Hollander David J , Jasper John P , King Linda L , Laws Edward A , Milder Jeffrey , Millero Frank J , Pancost Richard D , Popp Brian N , Steinberg Paul , Wakeham Stuart G , Eek Magnus K , Whiticar Michael J , Bishop James K B , Wong Chi Shing , Laws Edward A , Popp Brian N , Bidigare Robert R , Riebesell Ulf , Burkhardt Steffen , Wakeham Stuart G , Popp Brian N , Hanson Kristi L , Dore John , Bidigare Robert R , Laws Edward A , Wakeham Stuart G , Tolosa Imma , Miquel Juan Carlos , Gasser Beate , Raimbault Patrick , Goyet Catherine , Claustre Hervé .

Title: Carbon isotopic composition of the C37:2 alkenone in core-top sediments of the South Atlantic Ocean: Effects of CO2 and nutrient concentrations
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2002
Source: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Authors: Hernández-Almeida Iván , Krumhardt Kristen M , Hongrui Zhang , Stoll Heather M , Benthien Albert , Andersen Nils , Schulte Sonja , Müller Peter J , Schneider Ralph R , Wefer Gerold , Bidigare Robert R , Flügge Arnim , Freeman Katherine H , Hanson Kristi L , Hayes John M , Hollander David J , Jasper John P , King Linda L , Laws Edward A , Milder Jeffrey , Millero Frank J , Pancost Richard D , Popp Brian N , Steinberg Paul , Wakeham Stuart G , Eek Magnus K , Whiticar Michael J , Bishop James K B , Wong Chi Shing , Laws Edward A , Popp Brian N , Bidigare Robert R , Riebesell Ulf , Burkhardt Steffen , Wakeham Stuart G , Popp Brian N , Hanson Kristi L , Dore John , Bidigare Robert R , Laws Edward A , Wakeham Stuart G , Tolosa Imma , Miquel Juan Carlos , Gasser Beate , Raimbault Patrick , Goyet Catherine , Claustre Hervé .

Title: Consistent fractionation of 13C in nature and in the laboratory: Growth-rate effects in some haptophyte algae
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1997
Source: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Authors: Hernández-Almeida Iván , Krumhardt Kristen M , Hongrui Zhang , Stoll Heather M , Benthien Albert , Andersen Nils , Schulte Sonja , Müller Peter J , Schneider Ralph R , Wefer Gerold , Bidigare Robert R , Flügge Arnim , Freeman Katherine H , Hanson Kristi L , Hayes John M , Hollander David J , Jasper John P , King Linda L , Laws Edward A , Milder Jeffrey , Millero Frank J , Pancost Richard D , Popp Brian N , Steinberg Paul , Wakeham Stuart G , Eek Magnus K , Whiticar Michael J , Bishop James K B , Wong Chi Shing , Laws Edward A , Popp Brian N , Bidigare Robert R , Riebesell Ulf , Burkhardt Steffen , Wakeham Stuart G , Popp Brian N , Hanson Kristi L , Dore John , Bidigare Robert R , Laws Edward A , Wakeham Stuart G , Tolosa Imma , Miquel Juan Carlos , Gasser Beate , Raimbault Patrick , Goyet Catherine , Claustre Hervé .

Title: Influence of nutrients on carbon isotope fractionation by natural populations of Prymnesiophyte algae in NE Pacific
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1999
Source: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Authors: Hernández-Almeida Iván , Krumhardt Kristen M , Hongrui Zhang , Stoll Heather M , Benthien Albert , Andersen Nils , Schulte Sonja , Müller Peter J , Schneider Ralph R , Wefer Gerold , Bidigare Robert R , Flügge Arnim , Freeman Katherine H , Hanson Kristi L , Hayes John M , Hollander David J , Jasper John P , King Linda L , Laws Edward A , Milder Jeffrey , Millero Frank J , Pancost Richard D , Popp Brian N , Steinberg Paul , Wakeham Stuart G , Eek Magnus K , Whiticar Michael J , Bishop James K B , Wong Chi Shing , Laws Edward A , Popp Brian N , Bidigare Robert R , Riebesell Ulf , Burkhardt Steffen , Wakeham Stuart G , Popp Brian N , Hanson Kristi L , Dore John , Bidigare Robert R , Laws Edward A , Wakeham Stuart G , Tolosa Imma , Miquel Juan Carlos , Gasser Beate , Raimbault Patrick , Goyet Catherine , Claustre Hervé .

Title: Controls on the molecular distribution and carbon isotopic composition of alkenones in certain haptophyte algae
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2001
Source: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Authors: Hernández-Almeida Iván , Krumhardt Kristen M , Hongrui Zhang , Stoll Heather M , Benthien Albert , Andersen Nils , Schulte Sonja , Müller Peter J , Schneider Ralph R , Wefer Gerold , Bidigare Robert R , Flügge Arnim , Freeman Katherine H , Hanson Kristi L , Hayes John M , Hollander David J , Jasper John P , King Linda L , Laws Edward A , Milder Jeffrey , Millero Frank J , Pancost Richard D , Popp Brian N , Steinberg Paul , Wakeham Stuart G , Eek Magnus K , Whiticar Michael J , Bishop James K B , Wong Chi Shing , Laws Edward A , Popp Brian N , Bidigare Robert R , Riebesell Ulf , Burkhardt Steffen , Wakeham Stuart G , Popp Brian N , Hanson Kristi L , Dore John , Bidigare Robert R , Laws Edward A , Wakeham Stuart G , Tolosa Imma , Miquel Juan Carlos , Gasser Beate , Raimbault Patrick , Goyet Catherine , Claustre Hervé .

Title: Controls on the Carbon Isotopic Composition of Phytoplankton
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1999
Source: In: Abrantes F., Mix A.C. (Eds.) Reconstructing Ocean History. Springer, Boston, MA
Authors: Hernández-Almeida Iván , Krumhardt Kristen M , Hongrui Zhang , Stoll Heather M , Benthien Albert , Andersen Nils , Schulte Sonja , Müller Peter J , Schneider Ralph R , Wefer Gerold , Bidigare Robert R , Flügge Arnim , Freeman Katherine H , Hanson Kristi L , Hayes John M , Hollander David J , Jasper John P , King Linda L , Laws Edward A , Milder Jeffrey , Millero Frank J , Pancost Richard D , Popp Brian N , Steinberg Paul , Wakeham Stuart G , Eek Magnus K , Whiticar Michael J , Bishop James K B , Wong Chi Shing , Laws Edward A , Popp Brian N , Bidigare Robert R , Riebesell Ulf , Burkhardt Steffen , Wakeham Stuart G , Popp Brian N , Hanson Kristi L , Dore John , Bidigare Robert R , Laws Edward A , Wakeham Stuart G , Tolosa Imma , Miquel Juan Carlos , Gasser Beate , Raimbault Patrick , Goyet Catherine , Claustre Hervé .

Title: Distribution of lipid biomarkers and carbon isotope fractionation in contrasting trophic environments of the South East Pacific
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2008
Source: Biogeosciences
Authors: Hernández-Almeida Iván , Krumhardt Kristen M , Hongrui Zhang , Stoll Heather M , Benthien Albert , Andersen Nils , Schulte Sonja , Müller Peter J , Schneider Ralph R , Wefer Gerold , Bidigare Robert R , Flügge Arnim , Freeman Katherine H , Hanson Kristi L , Hayes John M , Hollander David J , Jasper John P , King Linda L , Laws Edward A , Milder Jeffrey , Millero Frank J , Pancost Richard D , Popp Brian N , Steinberg Paul , Wakeham Stuart G , Eek Magnus K , Whiticar Michael J , Bishop James K B , Wong Chi Shing , Laws Edward A , Popp Brian N , Bidigare Robert R , Riebesell Ulf , Burkhardt Steffen , Wakeham Stuart G , Popp Brian N , Hanson Kristi L , Dore John , Bidigare Robert R , Laws Edward A , Wakeham Stuart G , Tolosa Imma , Miquel Juan Carlos , Gasser Beate , Raimbault Patrick , Goyet Catherine , Claustre Hervé .