Benthic and planktic foraminiferal records of sediment core PS93/025

Benthic and planktic foraminiferal fluxes, planktic foraminiferal fragmentation and proportions of N. pachyderma & T. quinqueloba.
The sampled sediment record PS93/025, consisting of the Giant box core (GKG) PS93/025-1 (80.481°N, 8.487°W, 291.3 m water depth) and the Kastenlot core (KAL) PS93/025-2 (80.482°N, 8.490°W, 290.2 m water depth), was obtained during the expedition PS93.1 (2015) (Stein, 2016) of RV Polarstern on the outermost NE Greenland shelf in the western Fram Strait.
The presented data covers the last ca. 10.6 ka.
In representative splits of the 100-250 µm size fraction, planktic and benthic foraminifers were determined and counted. Benthic and planktic foraminiferal fluxes (individuals/cm2*ka) were calculated to serve as a semiquantitative proxy for bioproductivity. Fragmentation of planktic foraminifers was calculated by counting fragments which were no more determinable to species level. Thereby, the equation from Pfuhl and Shackleton (2004) was used which includes a fragment-divisor of 3. The percentage share of the subpolar planktic foraminifer species Turborotalita quinqueloba and the polar planktic species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma was calculated as a proxy for the advection of warmer water masses (e.g. Volkmann, 2000).
Aim of the study was to reconstruct the climatic and paleoceanographic variability offshore Northeast Greenland during the last ca. 10ka with multidecadal resolution.

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Zehnich, Marc (2020). Dataset: Benthic and planktic foraminiferal records of sediment core PS93/025.

DOI retrieved: 2020

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Zehnich, Marc
Given Name Marc
Family Name Zehnich
Source Creation 2020
Publication Year 2020
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: PS93_025_forams
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
Title: Environmental variability off NE Greenland (western Fram Strait) during the past 10,600 years
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: The Holocene
Authors: Zehnich Marc , Spielhagen Robert F , Bauch Henning A , Forwick Matthias , Hass H Christian , Palme Tina , Stein Ruediger , Syring Nicole .