Abundance of mesopelagic fish through the water column and diel patterns in the tropical and equatorial Atlantic

This file contains data on numerical abundance of mesopelagic fishes collected in April 2015 across the tropical and equatorial Atlantic. Twelve stations were visited day and night, from the oligotrophic region close to the Brazilian coast to the more productive region off the western African coast. Hauls were performed with a scientific midwater trawl, the Mesopelagos (designed by Meillat, 2012), which works with a single traction cable. The gear consists of graded-mesh netting starting with 30 mm and ending with 4 mm. At the end of the net, a multi-sampler (designed for the present investigation by one of the co-authors, A. Castellón-CSIC) was installed to obtain samples from 5 different depth layers of the water column. For some stations, where lots of gelatinous organisms, or Sargassum weed occurred, the system could not work and the data presented integrates the water column from 800 m to the surface. The depth of the net was controlled by a SCANMAR system. Samples were identified on board or frozen for a later identification in the laboratory. These data were obtained within the project: "Migrants and Active Flux In the Atlantic Ocean, financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CTM2012-39587-C04.

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Cite this as

Olivar, M Pilar, Hulley, P Alexander, Castellón, Arturo, López, Cristina, Tuset, Victor M, Contreras, Tabit (2021). Dataset: Abundance of mesopelagic fish through the water column and diel patterns in the tropical and equatorial Atlantic. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.927991

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.927991
Author Olivar, M Pilar
Given Name M Pilar
Family Name Olivar
More Authors
Hulley, P Alexander
Castellón, Arturo
López, Cristina
Tuset, Victor M
Contreras, Tabit
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Olivar-etal_2021c
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Abundance of early stages of mesopelagic fish through the water column and diel patterns in the tropical and equatorial Atlantic
Identifier: https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.928080
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Authors: Olivar M Pilar , Contreras Tabit , Hulley P Alexander , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Castellón Arturo , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Carpenter Kent E , De Angelis Nicoletta , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Meillat Marc , Whitehead Peter James Palmer , Bauchot M-L , Hureau Jean-Claude , Nielsen John , Tortonese E .

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Type: DOI
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Year: 2017
Source: Progress in Oceanography
Authors: Olivar M Pilar , Contreras Tabit , Hulley P Alexander , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Castellón Arturo , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Carpenter Kent E , De Angelis Nicoletta , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Meillat Marc , Whitehead Peter James Palmer , Bauchot M-L , Hureau Jean-Claude , Nielsen John , Tortonese E .

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Authors: Olivar M Pilar , Contreras Tabit , Hulley P Alexander , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Castellón Arturo , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Carpenter Kent E , De Angelis Nicoletta , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Meillat Marc , Whitehead Peter James Palmer , Bauchot M-L , Hureau Jean-Claude , Nielsen John , Tortonese E .

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Authors: Olivar M Pilar , Contreras Tabit , Hulley P Alexander , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Castellón Arturo , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Carpenter Kent E , De Angelis Nicoletta , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Meillat Marc , Whitehead Peter James Palmer , Bauchot M-L , Hureau Jean-Claude , Nielsen John , Tortonese E .

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Type: DOI
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Authors: Olivar M Pilar , Contreras Tabit , Hulley P Alexander , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Castellón Arturo , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Carpenter Kent E , De Angelis Nicoletta , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Meillat Marc , Whitehead Peter James Palmer , Bauchot M-L , Hureau Jean-Claude , Nielsen John , Tortonese E .

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Source: UNESCO, Paris
Authors: Olivar M Pilar , Contreras Tabit , Hulley P Alexander , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Castellón Arturo , Olivar M Pilar , Hulley P Alexander , Castellón Arturo , Emelianov Mikhail , López Cristina , Tuset Victor M , Contreras Tabit , Molí Balbina , Carpenter Kent E , De Angelis Nicoletta , Hernández-León Santiago , UTM-CSIC , Meillat Marc , Whitehead Peter James Palmer , Bauchot M-L , Hureau Jean-Claude , Nielsen John , Tortonese E .