Stable oxygen isotopes for Eocene hyperthermals: PETM, ETM2, ETM3, ODP Site 208-1263

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Griffith, Elizabeth M, Thomas, Ellen, Lewis, Angela R, Penman, Donald E, Westerhold, Thomas, Winguth, Arne M E (2021). Dataset: Stable oxygen isotopes for Eocene hyperthermals: PETM, ETM2, ETM3, ODP Site 208-1263.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Griffith, Elizabeth M
Given Name Elizabeth M
Family Name Griffith
More Authors
Thomas, Ellen
Lewis, Angela R
Penman, Donald E
Westerhold, Thomas
Winguth, Arne M E
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: 208-1263_isotope
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Paleontology

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Authors: Griffith Elizabeth M , Thomas Ellen , Lewis Angela R , Penman Donald E , Westerhold Thomas , Winguth Arne M E , Lauretano Vittoria , Littler Kate , Polling M , Zachos James C , Lourens Lucas Joost , Lauretano Vittoria , Littler Kate , Polling M , Zachos James C , Lourens Lucas Joost , Stap Lucy , Sluijs Appy , Thomas Ellen , Lourens Lucas Joost , Zachos James C , Röhl Ursula , Schellenberg Stephen A , Sluijs Appy , Hodell David A , Kelly Daniel Clay , Thomas Ellen , Nicolo Micah J , Raffi Isabella , Lourens Lucas Joost , McCarren H , Kroon Dick , Zachos James C , Röhl Ursula , Schellenberg Stephen A , Sluijs Appy , Hodell David A , Kelly Daniel Clay , Thomas Ellen , Nicolo Micah J , Raffi Isabella , Lourens Lucas Joost , McCarren H , Kroon Dick .

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Authors: Griffith Elizabeth M , Thomas Ellen , Lewis Angela R , Penman Donald E , Westerhold Thomas , Winguth Arne M E , Lauretano Vittoria , Littler Kate , Polling M , Zachos James C , Lourens Lucas Joost , Lauretano Vittoria , Littler Kate , Polling M , Zachos James C , Lourens Lucas Joost , Stap Lucy , Sluijs Appy , Thomas Ellen , Lourens Lucas Joost , Zachos James C , Röhl Ursula , Schellenberg Stephen A , Sluijs Appy , Hodell David A , Kelly Daniel Clay , Thomas Ellen , Nicolo Micah J , Raffi Isabella , Lourens Lucas Joost , McCarren H , Kroon Dick , Zachos James C , Röhl Ursula , Schellenberg Stephen A , Sluijs Appy , Hodell David A , Kelly Daniel Clay , Thomas Ellen , Nicolo Micah J , Raffi Isabella , Lourens Lucas Joost , McCarren H , Kroon Dick .