Multi-proxy data set of the sediment core Co1410 from Lake Imandra, NW Russia

The sediment succession of Lake Imandra in the central Kola region was investigated by a hydro-acoustic survey followed by sediment coring of site Co1410 (67°42'56.76"N, 33°5'6.42"E) down to the acoustic basement. We reconstructed the environmental history of Lake Imandra after the last deglaciation based on physical, biogeochemical, sedimentological, granulometrical, and micropalaeontological proxies. Our findings reveal the timing of the onset of lacustrine sediment deposition in the lake basin during the Late Glacial and the variability of climatic signals throughout the Holocene.

All datasets comprise a depth and age column and: 1. S = Sulfur (%); TOC = Total Organic Content (%); TOC/TN = Total Organic Content / Total Nitrogen; Water Content (%); Grain Size d50 (µm); EM1 =Endmember 1 (%); EM2 =Endmember 2 (%); EM3 = Endmember 3 (%) 2. Acroperus harpae; Alona affinis; Alona guttata/Coronatella rectangula; Alona intermedia; Alona quadrangularis; Alona rustica; Alonella excisa; Alonella exigua; Alonella nana; Alonopsis elongata; Bosmina (Bosmina) longirostris; Bosmina (Eubosmina) cf. longispina/cf. coregoni; Chydorus cf. sphaericus; Daphnia longispina agg.; Eurycercus sp. Leptodora kindtii; Monospilus dispar; Paralona pigra; Pleuroxus truncatus; Rhynchotalona falcata; Planktonic; Littoral-benthic ; (%) Acroperus harpae; (%) Alona affinis; (%) Alona guttata/Coronatella rectangula; (%) Alona intermedia; (%) Alona quadrangularis; (%) Alona rustica; (%) Alonella excisa; (%) Alonella exigua; (%) Alonella nana; (%) Alonopsis elongata; (%) Bosmina (Bosmina) longirostris; (%) Bosmina (Eubosmina) cf. longispina/cf. coregoni; (%) Chydorus cf. sphaericus; (%) Daphnia longispina agg.; (%) Eurycercus sp.; (%) Leptodora kindtii; (%) Monospilus dispar; (%) Paralona pigra; (%) Pleuroxus truncatus; (%) Rhynchotalona falcata 3. magnetic susceptibility (SI * 10^-5) 4. Pinus(%); Artemisia (%); Total Pollen Concentration /1000; AP/NAP; Arboreale Pollen (%); Non-Arboreale Pollen (%) 5. Zr/Rb (log); Rb/Sr; Zr/Al; K/Al; Ti (cps); Ti/Al; Si (cps); Si/Ti; Br/Al; Fe (cps); Fe/Mn

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Cite this as

Lenz, Matthias, Savelieva, Larisa, Frolova, Larisa A, Cherezova, Anna, Moros, Matthias, Baumer, Marlene M, Gromig, Raphael, Kostromina, Natalia, Nigmatullin, Niyaz, Kolka, Vasili V, Wagner, B, Fedorov, Grigory B, Melles, Martin (2021). Dataset: Multi-proxy data set of the sediment core Co1410 from Lake Imandra, NW Russia.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Lenz, Matthias
Given Name Matthias
Family Name Lenz
More Authors
Savelieva, Larisa
Frolova, Larisa A
Cherezova, Anna
Moros, Matthias
Baumer, Marlene M
Gromig, Raphael
Kostromina, Natalia
Nigmatullin, Niyaz
Kolka, Vasili V
Wagner, B
Fedorov, Grigory B
Melles, Martin
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Lenz-etal_2020
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Late glacial and Holocene environmental history of the central Kola region, northwestern Russia revealed by a sediment succession from Lake Imandra
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Boreas
Authors: Lenz Matthias , Savelieva Larisa , Frolova Larisa A , Cherezova Anna , Moros Matthias , Baumer Marlene M , Gromig Raphael , Kostromina Natalia , Nigmatullin Niyaz , Kolka Vasili V , Wagner B , Fedorov Grigory B , Melles Martin .