Multibeam bathymetry gridded data from SONNE cruise SO252

This processed and gridded multibeam echolot dataset was acquired during SONNE cruise SO252 offshore Ritter Island, Papua New Guinea in November/December 2016. The data was collected in order to investigate the 1888 Ritter Island Sector Collapse deposit. The data was acquired using a hull-mounted Kongsberg Simrad EM122 multibeam echolot system and was gridded with a 25 m gridcell size. Before gridding, data was filtered with a trianguation filter in three iterations and residual erroneous soundings were deleted manually. Detailed information on the data acquisition parameters and processing can be found in the SO252 cruise report ( This grid extents between 147°40' E and 148°15' E, and -5° 35' N and -4° 50' N and covers the seafloor around Ritter Island, Sakar, and Umboi.

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Berndt, Christian, Klaucke, Ingo, Kühn, Michel (2021). Dataset: Multibeam bathymetry gridded data from SONNE cruise SO252.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Berndt, Christian
Given Name Christian
Family Name Berndt
More Authors
Klaucke, Ingo
Kühn, Michel
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Seismic reconstruction of seafloor sediment deformation during volcanic debris avalanche emplacement offshore Sakar, Papua New Guinea
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Marine Geology
Authors: Kühn Michel , Karstens Jens , Berndt Christian , Watt Sebastian F L , Berndt Christian , Muff Sina , Klaucke Ingo , Watt Sebastian F L , Böttner Christoph , Schramm Bettina , Völsch Anne , Bennecke Swaantje , Elger Judith , Chi Wu-Cheng , van Haren Johannes , Micallef Aaron , Roth Theresa , Karstens Jens , Berndt Christian , Urlaub Morelia , Watt Sebastian F L , Micallef Aaron , Ray Melanie , Klaucke Ingo , Muff Sina , Klaeschen Dirk , Kühn Michel , Roth Theresa , Böttner Christoph , Schramm Bettina , Elger Judith , Brune Sascha , Watt Sebastian F L , Karstens Jens , Micallef Aaron , Berndt Christian , Urlaub Morelia , Ray Melanie , Desai Anisha , Sammartini Maddalena , Klaucke Ingo , Böttner Christoph , Day Simon , Downes Hilary , Kühn Michel , Elger Judith .

Title: RV SONNE 252 Cruise Report / Fahrtbericht, Yokohama: 05.11.2016 - Nouméa: 18.12.2016. SO252: RITTER ISLAND Tsunami potential of volcanic flank collapses
Type: DOI
Relation: References
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Source: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany
Authors: Kühn Michel , Karstens Jens , Berndt Christian , Watt Sebastian F L , Berndt Christian , Muff Sina , Klaucke Ingo , Watt Sebastian F L , Böttner Christoph , Schramm Bettina , Völsch Anne , Bennecke Swaantje , Elger Judith , Chi Wu-Cheng , van Haren Johannes , Micallef Aaron , Roth Theresa , Karstens Jens , Berndt Christian , Urlaub Morelia , Watt Sebastian F L , Micallef Aaron , Ray Melanie , Klaucke Ingo , Muff Sina , Klaeschen Dirk , Kühn Michel , Roth Theresa , Böttner Christoph , Schramm Bettina , Elger Judith , Brune Sascha , Watt Sebastian F L , Karstens Jens , Micallef Aaron , Berndt Christian , Urlaub Morelia , Ray Melanie , Desai Anisha , Sammartini Maddalena , Klaucke Ingo , Böttner Christoph , Day Simon , Downes Hilary , Kühn Michel , Elger Judith .

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Type: DOI
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Authors: Kühn Michel , Karstens Jens , Berndt Christian , Watt Sebastian F L , Berndt Christian , Muff Sina , Klaucke Ingo , Watt Sebastian F L , Böttner Christoph , Schramm Bettina , Völsch Anne , Bennecke Swaantje , Elger Judith , Chi Wu-Cheng , van Haren Johannes , Micallef Aaron , Roth Theresa , Karstens Jens , Berndt Christian , Urlaub Morelia , Watt Sebastian F L , Micallef Aaron , Ray Melanie , Klaucke Ingo , Muff Sina , Klaeschen Dirk , Kühn Michel , Roth Theresa , Böttner Christoph , Schramm Bettina , Elger Judith , Brune Sascha , Watt Sebastian F L , Karstens Jens , Micallef Aaron , Berndt Christian , Urlaub Morelia , Ray Melanie , Desai Anisha , Sammartini Maddalena , Klaucke Ingo , Böttner Christoph , Day Simon , Downes Hilary , Kühn Michel , Elger Judith .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Authors: Kühn Michel , Karstens Jens , Berndt Christian , Watt Sebastian F L , Berndt Christian , Muff Sina , Klaucke Ingo , Watt Sebastian F L , Böttner Christoph , Schramm Bettina , Völsch Anne , Bennecke Swaantje , Elger Judith , Chi Wu-Cheng , van Haren Johannes , Micallef Aaron , Roth Theresa , Karstens Jens , Berndt Christian , Urlaub Morelia , Watt Sebastian F L , Micallef Aaron , Ray Melanie , Klaucke Ingo , Muff Sina , Klaeschen Dirk , Kühn Michel , Roth Theresa , Böttner Christoph , Schramm Bettina , Elger Judith , Brune Sascha , Watt Sebastian F L , Karstens Jens , Micallef Aaron , Berndt Christian , Urlaub Morelia , Ray Melanie , Desai Anisha , Sammartini Maddalena , Klaucke Ingo , Böttner Christoph , Day Simon , Downes Hilary , Kühn Michel , Elger Judith .