Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between Kohnen Station and former Plateau Station, snow profiles ANT-Land_2016_COFI_60

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Weinhart, Alexander Helmut, Kipfstuhl, Sepp, Mengert, Melissa, Götz, Pia, Micha, Georgia, Freitag, Johannes, Hörhold, Maria (2021). Dataset: Stable water isotopes and major ions in snow along a traverse route between Kohnen Station and former Plateau Station, snow profiles ANT-Land_2016_COFI_60.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Weinhart, Alexander Helmut
Given Name Alexander Helmut
Family Name Weinhart
More Authors
Kipfstuhl, Sepp
Mengert, Melissa
Götz, Pia
Micha, Georgia
Freitag, Johannes
Hörhold, Maria
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: ANT-Land_2016_COFI_60_geochem
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Cryosphere

Name: Ecology

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Authors: Weinhart Alexander Helmut , Freitag Johannes , Hörhold Maria , Kipfstuhl Sepp , Eisen Olaf , Weinhart Alexander Helmut , Freitag Johannes , Hörhold Maria , Kipfstuhl Sepp , Eisen Olaf , Weinhart Alexander Helmut , Kipfstuhl Sepp , Hörhold Maria , Eisen Olaf , Freitag Johannes .