Pan-Arctic monthly maps of sea surface height anomaly and geostrophic velocity from the satellite altimetry Cryosat-2 mission, 2011-2020

This data set was created with the aim of supporting observational studies of the sea level and surface ocean circulation variability in the Arctic Ocean. The data set was created in the frame of the Regional Atlantic Circulation and global changE (RACE) project. It consists of monthly maps of the Arctic sea surface height anomaly and absolute geostrophic velocity generated from sea surface height observations taken by the European Space Agency's satellite mission Cryosat-2. The dataset spans the period 2011-2020 and was generated by interpolation of satellite altimetry along-track observations onto a regular latitude-longitude grid of resolution 0.25°X0.75°. The sea surface height anomaly observations along the Cryosat-2 satellite tracks used in this work are, for the ice-covered ocean, data from the Alfred Wegner Institute (AWI version 2.4,, and for the open ocean, data from the Radar Altimetry Database System (RADS, The merged AWI+RADS along track data, processed as described in Doglioni et al., 2022 and used to generate the monthly maps, are included in the present file. The along track observations are interpolated on the output grid using the Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis tool (Troupin et al., 2012) with a decorrelation length of 50 km. Detailed methodology for the derivation and assessment of the dataset can be found in Doglioni et al., 2022 (under review). As auxiliary variables, the bin-average of along track sea surface height anomaly, the bin-standard deviation and the number of observations per bin are included.

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Cite this as

Doglioni, Francesca, Ricker, Robert, Rabe, Benjamin, Barth, Alexander, Troupin, Charles, Kanzow, Torsten (2021). Dataset: Pan-Arctic monthly maps of sea surface height anomaly and geostrophic velocity from the satellite altimetry Cryosat-2 mission, 2011-2020.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Doglioni, Francesca
Given Name Francesca
Family Name Doglioni
More Authors
Ricker, Robert
Rabe, Benjamin
Barth, Alexander
Troupin, Charles
Kanzow, Torsten
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Sea surface height anomaly and geostrophic current velocity from altimetry measurements over the Arctic Ocean (2011–2020)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Source: Earth System Science Data
Authors: Doglioni Francesca , Ricker Robert , Rabe Benjamin , Barth Alexander , Troupin Charles , Kanzow Torsten , Troupin Charles , Barth Alexander , Sirjacobs Damien , Ouberdous Mohamed , Brankart Jean Michel , Brasseur Pierre P , Rixen Michel , Alvera-Azcárate A , Belounis M , Capet Arthur , Lenartz Fabian , Toussaint M E , Beckers J-M .

Title: Generation of analysis and consistent error fields using the Data Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Ocean Modelling
Authors: Doglioni Francesca , Ricker Robert , Rabe Benjamin , Barth Alexander , Troupin Charles , Kanzow Torsten , Troupin Charles , Barth Alexander , Sirjacobs Damien , Ouberdous Mohamed , Brankart Jean Michel , Brasseur Pierre P , Rixen Michel , Alvera-Azcárate A , Belounis M , Capet Arthur , Lenartz Fabian , Toussaint M E , Beckers J-M .