Underway surface O2/Ar, O2 and N2 observations from the Subarctic Northeast Pacific

This archive contains underway, surface seawater observations of ΔO2/Ar, oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2), and ancillary properties from the Subarctic Northeast Pacific and Gulf of Alaska. These data enable approximations of mixed layer net community production, derived from the biological O2 saturation anomaly (ΔO2/Ar and ΔO2/N2). Gas and hydrographic observations were obtained from a continuous seawater supply using autonomous ship-based instrumentation deployed on periodic Line P and La Perouse oceanographic monitoring cruises, and various other cruises between 2007 and 2019. Measurements of mixed layer ΔO2/Ar, and O2 saturation state and concentration were obtained using a membrane inlet mass spectrometer (MIMS) system and oxygen optode, respectively. Oxygen data were calibrated against discrete samples analyzed by Winkler titration. Mixed layer nitrogen saturation state was derived from observations of seawater gas tension obtained using a gas tension device (GTD) and O2 from the optode. The time and location (latitude and longitude) of underway sampling, and ancillary hydrographic data (sea surface temperature and salinity) measured using a thermosalinograph are also included in the repository. Data are provided and compiled by the Tortell laboratory of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Underway hydrographic data were provided by the Institute of Ocean Sciences (DFO Canada) and are replicated here. A list of publications featuring these data is provided with the repository.

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Izett, Robert W, Schuler, Kate, Tortell, Philippe Daniel (2021). Dataset: Underway surface O2/Ar, O2 and N2 observations from the Subarctic Northeast Pacific. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.933345

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.933345
Author Izett, Robert W
Given Name Robert W
Family Name Izett
More Authors
Schuler, Kate
Tortell, Philippe Daniel
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Izett_2021
Subject Areas
Name: Atmosphere

Name: Ecology

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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Type: DOI
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Year: 2018
Source: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Authors: Burt William J , Westberry Toby K , Behrenfeld Michael J , Zeng Chen , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Hamme Roberta C , McNeil Craig , Manning Cara C M , Bourbonnais Annie , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Manning Cara C M , Hamme Roberta C , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Rosengard Sarah Z , Izett Robert W , Burt William J , Schuback Nina , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Merzouk Anissa , Ianson Debby , Pawlowicz Rich , Yelland Doug R .

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Source: Frontiers in Marine Science
Authors: Burt William J , Westberry Toby K , Behrenfeld Michael J , Zeng Chen , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Hamme Roberta C , McNeil Craig , Manning Cara C M , Bourbonnais Annie , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Manning Cara C M , Hamme Roberta C , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Rosengard Sarah Z , Izett Robert W , Burt William J , Schuback Nina , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Merzouk Anissa , Ianson Debby , Pawlowicz Rich , Yelland Doug R .

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Year: 2018
Source: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Authors: Burt William J , Westberry Toby K , Behrenfeld Michael J , Zeng Chen , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Hamme Roberta C , McNeil Craig , Manning Cara C M , Bourbonnais Annie , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Manning Cara C M , Hamme Roberta C , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Rosengard Sarah Z , Izett Robert W , Burt William J , Schuback Nina , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Merzouk Anissa , Ianson Debby , Pawlowicz Rich , Yelland Doug R .

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Authors: Burt William J , Westberry Toby K , Behrenfeld Michael J , Zeng Chen , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Hamme Roberta C , McNeil Craig , Manning Cara C M , Bourbonnais Annie , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Manning Cara C M , Hamme Roberta C , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Rosengard Sarah Z , Izett Robert W , Burt William J , Schuback Nina , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Merzouk Anissa , Ianson Debby , Pawlowicz Rich , Yelland Doug R .

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Authors: Burt William J , Westberry Toby K , Behrenfeld Michael J , Zeng Chen , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Hamme Roberta C , McNeil Craig , Manning Cara C M , Bourbonnais Annie , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Manning Cara C M , Hamme Roberta C , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Rosengard Sarah Z , Izett Robert W , Burt William J , Schuback Nina , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Merzouk Anissa , Ianson Debby , Pawlowicz Rich , Yelland Doug R .

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Type: DOI
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Authors: Burt William J , Westberry Toby K , Behrenfeld Michael J , Zeng Chen , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Hamme Roberta C , McNeil Craig , Manning Cara C M , Bourbonnais Annie , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Manning Cara C M , Hamme Roberta C , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Izett Robert W , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Rosengard Sarah Z , Izett Robert W , Burt William J , Schuback Nina , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Tortell Philippe Daniel , Merzouk Anissa , Ianson Debby , Pawlowicz Rich , Yelland Doug R .