Hydrography of the Beagle Channel (CTD data)

This study is the first integrated assessment of the main oceanographic features of the Beagle Channel, using data from several oceanographic cruises conducted between 19-25 October 2016, 19-26 July 2017 and 18-23 July 2018 by the IDEAL center (Research Center: Dynamics of High Latitude Marine Ecosystems). During 2016 transects were done between the NW entrance of the Beagle Channel up to Yendegaia bay (mid of the channel). In winter 2017, simultaneous to the IDEAL transect, a full oceanographic survey onboard M/O Bernardo Houssay (PNA, Argentina) by researchers of CADIC (Austral Center for Scientific Research in Ushuaia) was conducted from nearby Yendegaia bay to the eastern limit of the Beagle Channel (27-30 August 2017), thus closing for the first time a full, high resolution, hydrographic section along the entire Channel. During 18-23 July 2018 the NW branch and the SW branch of the Beagle Channel was surveyed. The study was funded by the IDEAL center (https://www.centroideal.cl/, award: FONDAP 15150003).

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Giesecke, Ricardo, Martín, Jacobo, Piñones, Andrea, Höfer, Juan, Garcés-Vargas, José, Flores-Melo, Ximena, Alarcon, Emilio, Bourrin, François, Durrieu de Madron, Xavier, González, Humberto E (2021). Dataset: Hydrography of the Beagle Channel (CTD data). https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.934046

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.934046
Author Giesecke, Ricardo
Given Name Ricardo
Family Name Giesecke
More Authors
Martín, Jacobo
Piñones, Andrea
Höfer, Juan
Garcés-Vargas, José
Flores-Melo, Ximena
Alarcon, Emilio
Bourrin, François
Durrieu de Madron, Xavier
González, Humberto E
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Beagle-channel_CTD-data
Subject Areas
Name: Ecology

Related Identifiers
Title: Hydrography of the Beagle Channel (mooring data)
Identifier: https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.934063
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Authors: Giesecke Ricardo , Martín Jacobo , Piñones Andrea , Höfer Juan , Garcés-Vargas José , Flores-Melo Ximena , Alarcon Emilio , Bourrin François , Durrieu de Madron Xavier , González Humberto E , Giesecke Ricardo , Martín Jacobo , Piñones Andrea , Höfer Juan , Garcés-Vargas José , Flores-Melo Ximena , Alarcon Emilio , Durrieu de Madron Xavier , Bourrin François , González Humberto E .

Title: General Hydrography of the Beagle Channel, a Subantarctic Interoceanic Passage at the Southern Tip of South America
Identifier: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.621822
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Frontiers in Marine Science
Authors: Giesecke Ricardo , Martín Jacobo , Piñones Andrea , Höfer Juan , Garcés-Vargas José , Flores-Melo Ximena , Alarcon Emilio , Bourrin François , Durrieu de Madron Xavier , González Humberto E , Giesecke Ricardo , Martín Jacobo , Piñones Andrea , Höfer Juan , Garcés-Vargas José , Flores-Melo Ximena , Alarcon Emilio , Durrieu de Madron Xavier , Bourrin François , González Humberto E .