Major and trace elements of Aegean Arc tephras

Here the data are archived that belong to the paper: The medial offshore record of explosive volcanism along the central to eastern Aegean Volcanic Arc, part 1: Tephrostratigraphic correlations submitted for publication at G-Cubed. In table 2a average major and trace element compositions are given for analyses correlative land tephras. In Table 2b the entire set of individual glass shard measurements are given. In Table 3a the average major and trace element compositions of marine tephras found in the cores of Table 1 are given. Table 4 represents the microprobe reference measurements on Lipari and VGA99 with respective reference values as well as List standard N612 and BCR2 for trace element measurements, Table 5 show the results of the principal component analyses and the extracted eigenvectors of 88 parameter reduced to 10 principal components.

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Kutterolf, Steffen, Freundt, Armin, Hansteen, Thor H, Dettbarn, Rebecca, Hampel, Fabian, Sievers, Carina, Wittig, Cathrin, Allen, Sharon R, Druitt, Timothy H, McPhie, Jocelyn, Nomikou, Paraskevi, Pank, Katharina, Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie, Wang, Kuo-Lung, Lee, Hao-Yang, Friedrichs, Bjarne (2021). Dataset: Major and trace elements of Aegean Arc tephras.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
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Author Kutterolf, Steffen
Given Name Steffen
Family Name Kutterolf
More Authors
Freundt, Armin
Hansteen, Thor H
Dettbarn, Rebecca
Hampel, Fabian
Sievers, Carina
Wittig, Cathrin
Allen, Sharon R
Druitt, Timothy H
McPhie, Jocelyn
Nomikou, Paraskevi
Pank, Katharina
Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie
Wang, Kuo-Lung
Lee, Hao-Yang
Friedrichs, Bjarne
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Kutterolf-etal_2021_part1
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Geophysics

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: The Medial Offshore Record of Explosive Volcanism Along the Central to Eastern Aegean Volcanic Arc: 1. Tephrostratigraphic Correlations
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Authors: Kutterolf Steffen , Freundt Armin , Hansteen Thor H , Dettbarn Rebecca , Hampel Fabian , Sievers Carina , Wittig Cathrin , Druitt Timothy H , McPhie Jocelyn , Nomikou Paraskevi , Pank Katharina , Schindlbeck-Belo Julie , Wang Kuo-Lung , Lee Hao-Yang , Friedrichs Bjarne .