Last interglacial and penultimate glacial sea surface temperature anomalies for the region south of 40°S, resampled to 2000 year resolution

Southern Ocean marine sediments provide an important archive of Quaternary glacial-interglacial climate changes. Sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions in the Southern Ocean depend exclusively on the fossils or geochemical signatures of planktic organisms, but the strengths of these SST proxies remain poorly quantified in this region. To improve confidence in Southern Ocean paleoclimate reconstructions, we first evaluated the reliability of SST proxies employed at Quaternary glacial-interglacial time scales, focusing on three key potential problems: advection/dispersion, seasonality, and non-thermal influences. On that basis, we selected foraminifera assemblages, long-chain alkenones (UK'37 index), diatom assemblages, and the Globigerina bulloides Mg/Ca ratio as the most reliable SST proxies in the Southern Ocean. We also revised calibrations where appropriate, using core-top sediment databases. Overall, Southern Ocean SST reconstructions using these recommended proxies and calibrations should be robust when averaging across multiple sites and proxy types, but should be treated with caution when analysing spatial variability, a small number of sites, or a single proxy type. We have applied these recommendations to a synthesis of Southern Ocean SST over the penultimate glacial and last interglacial (LIG). Similar to previous studies, we find that LIG warming at 40°S to 60°S reached 1.6 ± 1.1°C (annual mean) or 1.9 ± 1.3°C (austral summer: JFM) relative to present. Annual / summer cooling in the penultimate glacial maximum reached -3.6 ± 1.0°C / -4.0 ± 1.2°C, similar to the last glacial maximum. Compared with the previous LIG SST syntheses, our reported uncertainties more strongly reflect geographic variability and dating errors, as we have reduced errors in the individual temperature reconstructions and do not date records by aligning peaks in their SST.

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Chandler, David M, Langebroek, Petra M (2021). Dataset: Last interglacial and penultimate glacial sea surface temperature anomalies for the region south of 40°S, resampled to 2000 year resolution.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Author Chandler, David M
Given Name David M
Family Name Chandler
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Langebroek, Petra M
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Chandler-Langebroek_2021_SST-anom
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Name: Lithosphere

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Title: Last interglacial and penultimate glacial sea surface temperature anomalies: summary statistics for the region south of 40°S, resampled to 2000 year resolution
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .

Title: Southern Ocean sea surface temperature synthesis: Part 1. Evaluation of temperature proxies at glacial-interglacial time scales
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Quaternary Science Reviews
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .

Title: Southern Ocean sea surface temperature synthesis: Part 2. Penultimate glacial and last interglacial
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Quaternary Science Reviews
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .

Title: The biogeography of major diatom taxa in Southern Ocean sediments: 1. Ice related species
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2005
Source: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .

Title: The biogeography of major diatom taxa in Southern Ocean sediments: 2. Open ocean related species
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2005
Source: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .

Title: Improving past sea surface temperature reconstructions from the Southern Hemisphere oceans using planktonic foraminiferal census data
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2016
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .

Title: Regional and global benthic δ18O stacks for the last glacial cycle
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2016
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .

Title: World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 1: Temperature
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: In: Mishonov, A.. (Technical Ed.), NOAA Atlas NESDIS 81
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .

Title: Calibration of the alkenone paleotemperature index UK'37 based on core-tops from the eastern South Atlantic and the global ocean (60°N-60°S)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1998
Source: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .

Title: Further evaluation of long-chain alkenones as indicators of paleoceanographic conditions
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1988
Source: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .

Title: The biogeography of major diatom taxa in Southern Ocean sediments: 3. Subantarctic species
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2005
Source: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Authors: Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Chandler David M , Langebroek Petra M , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Crosta Xavier , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Haddam Naoufel , Michel Elisabeth , Siani Giuseppe , Cortese Giuseppe , Bostock Helen C , Duprat Josette M , Isguder Gulay , Lisiecki Lorraine E , Stern Joseph V , Locarnini Ricardo A , Mishonov Alexey V , Baranova O , Boyer Timothy P , Zweng M M , Garcia H E , Reagan James R , Seidov Dan , Weathers Katharine W , Paver Christopher R , Smolyar I , Müller Peter J , Kirst Georg , Ruhland Götz , Von Storch Isabel , Rosell-Melé Antoni , Prahl Frederick G , Muehlhausen Laurel A , Zahnle Debra L , Romero Oscar E , Armand Leanne K , Crosta Xavier , Pichon Jean-Jacques , Saenger Casey P , Evans Michael Neil , Tierney Jessica E , Malevich Steven Brewster , Gray William , Vetter Leal , Thirumalai Kaustubh , Tierney Jessica E , Tingley Martin P .