Mass flux of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma during cruises ARK-IV/3, ARK-XI/1, ARK-XIII/2, ARK-XV/1, ARK-XV/2, M21/4, M21/5, M39/4, MSM44, MSM66, MSM09/2, NEWP-92, NEWP-93, PS93.1, PS31, PS78

Based on shell concentrations of the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from vertically resolved plankton tow samples during cruises ARK-IV/3, ARK-XI/1, ARK-XIII/2, ARK-XV/1, ARK-XV/2, MSM44, MSM66, M21/4, M21/5, M39/4, MSM09/2, NEWP-92, NEWP-93, PS93.1, PS31, PS78 and (average) shell weights, the calcite mass flux is calculated (mg m-2 d¬-1).

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Tell, Franziska (2022). Dataset: Mass flux of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma during cruises ARK-IV/3, ARK-XI/1, ARK-XIII/2, ARK-XV/1, ARK-XV/2, M21/4, M21/5, M39/4, MSM44, MSM66, MSM09/2, NEWP-92, NEWP-93, PS93.1, PS31, PS78.

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Author Tell, Franziska
Given Name Franziska
Family Name Tell
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: MassFlux_all
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Ecology

Name: Lithosphere

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Title: Upper-ocean flux of biogenic calcite produced by the Arctic planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: Biogeosciences
Authors: Tell Franziska , Jonkers Lukas , Meilland Julie , Kucera Michal , Bauch Dorothea , Carstens Jörn , Wefer Gerold , Greco Mattia , Jonkers Lukas , Kretschmer Kerstin , Bijma Jelle , Kucera Michal , Kohfeld Karen E , Fairbanks Richard G , Smith Sharon L , Walsh Ian D , Pados Theodora , Spielhagen Robert F , Schiebel Ralf , Simstich Johannes , Sarnthein Michael , Erlenkeuser Helmut , Volkmann Renate .

Title: Oxygen isotope composition of living Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.) in the Arctic Ocean
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1997
Source: Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Authors: Tell Franziska , Jonkers Lukas , Meilland Julie , Kucera Michal , Bauch Dorothea , Carstens Jörn , Wefer Gerold , Greco Mattia , Jonkers Lukas , Kretschmer Kerstin , Bijma Jelle , Kucera Michal , Kohfeld Karen E , Fairbanks Richard G , Smith Sharon L , Walsh Ian D , Pados Theodora , Spielhagen Robert F , Schiebel Ralf , Simstich Johannes , Sarnthein Michael , Erlenkeuser Helmut , Volkmann Renate .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: Biogeosciences
Authors: Tell Franziska , Jonkers Lukas , Meilland Julie , Kucera Michal , Bauch Dorothea , Carstens Jörn , Wefer Gerold , Greco Mattia , Jonkers Lukas , Kretschmer Kerstin , Bijma Jelle , Kucera Michal , Kohfeld Karen E , Fairbanks Richard G , Smith Sharon L , Walsh Ian D , Pados Theodora , Spielhagen Robert F , Schiebel Ralf , Simstich Johannes , Sarnthein Michael , Erlenkeuser Helmut , Volkmann Renate .

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Type: DOI
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Year: 1996
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Tell Franziska , Jonkers Lukas , Meilland Julie , Kucera Michal , Bauch Dorothea , Carstens Jörn , Wefer Gerold , Greco Mattia , Jonkers Lukas , Kretschmer Kerstin , Bijma Jelle , Kucera Michal , Kohfeld Karen E , Fairbanks Richard G , Smith Sharon L , Walsh Ian D , Pados Theodora , Spielhagen Robert F , Schiebel Ralf , Simstich Johannes , Sarnthein Michael , Erlenkeuser Helmut , Volkmann Renate .

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Type: DOI
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Year: 2014
Source: Polar Research
Authors: Tell Franziska , Jonkers Lukas , Meilland Julie , Kucera Michal , Bauch Dorothea , Carstens Jörn , Wefer Gerold , Greco Mattia , Jonkers Lukas , Kretschmer Kerstin , Bijma Jelle , Kucera Michal , Kohfeld Karen E , Fairbanks Richard G , Smith Sharon L , Walsh Ian D , Pados Theodora , Spielhagen Robert F , Schiebel Ralf , Simstich Johannes , Sarnthein Michael , Erlenkeuser Helmut , Volkmann Renate .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2002
Source: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Authors: Tell Franziska , Jonkers Lukas , Meilland Julie , Kucera Michal , Bauch Dorothea , Carstens Jörn , Wefer Gerold , Greco Mattia , Jonkers Lukas , Kretschmer Kerstin , Bijma Jelle , Kucera Michal , Kohfeld Karen E , Fairbanks Richard G , Smith Sharon L , Walsh Ian D , Pados Theodora , Spielhagen Robert F , Schiebel Ralf , Simstich Johannes , Sarnthein Michael , Erlenkeuser Helmut , Volkmann Renate .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2003
Source: Marine Micropaleontology
Authors: Tell Franziska , Jonkers Lukas , Meilland Julie , Kucera Michal , Bauch Dorothea , Carstens Jörn , Wefer Gerold , Greco Mattia , Jonkers Lukas , Kretschmer Kerstin , Bijma Jelle , Kucera Michal , Kohfeld Karen E , Fairbanks Richard G , Smith Sharon L , Walsh Ian D , Pados Theodora , Spielhagen Robert F , Schiebel Ralf , Simstich Johannes , Sarnthein Michael , Erlenkeuser Helmut , Volkmann Renate .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2000
Source: Berichte zur Polarforschung = Reports on Polar Research
Authors: Tell Franziska , Jonkers Lukas , Meilland Julie , Kucera Michal , Bauch Dorothea , Carstens Jörn , Wefer Gerold , Greco Mattia , Jonkers Lukas , Kretschmer Kerstin , Bijma Jelle , Kucera Michal , Kohfeld Karen E , Fairbanks Richard G , Smith Sharon L , Walsh Ian D , Pados Theodora , Spielhagen Robert F , Schiebel Ralf , Simstich Johannes , Sarnthein Michael , Erlenkeuser Helmut , Volkmann Renate .