Pore water geochemistry at sampling site Potter_Cove_STA17

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Aromokeye, David Adeyemi, Willis-Poratti, Graciana, Wunder, Lea C, Henkel, Susann, Friedrich, Michael W (2024). Dataset: Pore water geochemistry at sampling site Potter_Cove_STA17. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.941205

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Last update December 1, 2024
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Source https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.941205
Author Aromokeye, David Adeyemi
Given Name David Adeyemi
Family Name Aromokeye
More Authors
Willis-Poratti, Graciana
Wunder, Lea C
Henkel, Susann
Friedrich, Michael W
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Potter_Cave_STA17_pore_water_geochem
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

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Authors: Wunder Lea C , Breuer Inga , Willis-Poratti Graciana , Aromokeye David Adeyemi , Henkel Susann , Richter-Heitmann Tim , Yin Xiuran , Friedrich Michael W , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Hall Per O J , Aller Robert C , Seeberg-Elverfeldt Jens , Schlüter Michael , Feseker Tomas , Kölling Martin , Stookey Lawrence L , Viollier Eric , Inglett P W , Hunter K , Roychoudhury A N , van Cappellen Philippe .

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Authors: Wunder Lea C , Breuer Inga , Willis-Poratti Graciana , Aromokeye David Adeyemi , Henkel Susann , Richter-Heitmann Tim , Yin Xiuran , Friedrich Michael W , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Hall Per O J , Aller Robert C , Seeberg-Elverfeldt Jens , Schlüter Michael , Feseker Tomas , Kölling Martin , Stookey Lawrence L , Viollier Eric , Inglett P W , Hunter K , Roychoudhury A N , van Cappellen Philippe .

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Authors: Wunder Lea C , Breuer Inga , Willis-Poratti Graciana , Aromokeye David Adeyemi , Henkel Susann , Richter-Heitmann Tim , Yin Xiuran , Friedrich Michael W , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Hall Per O J , Aller Robert C , Seeberg-Elverfeldt Jens , Schlüter Michael , Feseker Tomas , Kölling Martin , Stookey Lawrence L , Viollier Eric , Inglett P W , Hunter K , Roychoudhury A N , van Cappellen Philippe .

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Authors: Wunder Lea C , Breuer Inga , Willis-Poratti Graciana , Aromokeye David Adeyemi , Henkel Susann , Richter-Heitmann Tim , Yin Xiuran , Friedrich Michael W , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Hall Per O J , Aller Robert C , Seeberg-Elverfeldt Jens , Schlüter Michael , Feseker Tomas , Kölling Martin , Stookey Lawrence L , Viollier Eric , Inglett P W , Hunter K , Roychoudhury A N , van Cappellen Philippe .