Pollen and spores of the KP peat core from the Kampar Peninsula, Riau, Sumatra Indonesia

A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen and spore, loss-on-ignition, total organic carbon, stable carbon isotope and micro- and macrocharcoal was carried out on two peat cores collected from coastal area in eastern Sumatra. The study was conducted to understand the development and dynamics of the coastal peatlands, the Kampar Peninsula in Sumatra. Pollen and spore was extracted following Faegri and Iversen (1989) and identified using available literature (e.g. Anderson and Muller, 1975; Cheng et al., 2020; Hofmann et al., 2019; Jones and Pearce, 2015; Pollen and Spore Image Database of the University of Goettingen).

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Hapsari, Kartika Anggi, Jennerjahn, Tim C, Nugroho, Septriono Hari, Yulianto, Eko, Behling, Hermann (2022). Dataset: Pollen and spores of the KP peat core from the Kampar Peninsula, Riau, Sumatra Indonesia. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.941439

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.941439
Author Hapsari, Kartika Anggi
Given Name Kartika Anggi
Family Name Hapsari
More Authors
Jennerjahn, Tim C
Nugroho, Septriono Hari
Yulianto, Eko
Behling, Hermann
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: KP_pollen_spore
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Ecology

Name: Paleontology

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Authors: Hapsari Kartika Anggi , Jennerjahn Tim C , Nugroho Septriono Hari , Yulianto Eko , Behling Hermann , Anderson J A R , Muller Jan , Cheng Zhongjing , Weng Chengyu , Foong Swee Yeok , Dai Lu , Faegri K , Iversen J , Georg-August-Universität Göttingen , Hofmann Christa-Ch , Kodrul Tatiana M , Liu Xiaoyan , Jin Jianhua , Jones Samantha Elsie , Pearce Katharine Georgina .

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Authors: Hapsari Kartika Anggi , Jennerjahn Tim C , Nugroho Septriono Hari , Yulianto Eko , Behling Hermann , Anderson J A R , Muller Jan , Cheng Zhongjing , Weng Chengyu , Foong Swee Yeok , Dai Lu , Faegri K , Iversen J , Georg-August-Universität Göttingen , Hofmann Christa-Ch , Kodrul Tatiana M , Liu Xiaoyan , Jin Jianhua , Jones Samantha Elsie , Pearce Katharine Georgina .

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Authors: Hapsari Kartika Anggi , Jennerjahn Tim C , Nugroho Septriono Hari , Yulianto Eko , Behling Hermann , Anderson J A R , Muller Jan , Cheng Zhongjing , Weng Chengyu , Foong Swee Yeok , Dai Lu , Faegri K , Iversen J , Georg-August-Universität Göttingen , Hofmann Christa-Ch , Kodrul Tatiana M , Liu Xiaoyan , Jin Jianhua , Jones Samantha Elsie , Pearce Katharine Georgina .

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