Radiocarbon measurements on tree rings of tree MWK85-05B

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Brehm, Nicolas, Christl, Marcus, Knowles, Timothy, Casanova, Emanuelle, Everhed, Richard, Adolphi, Florian, Muscheler, Raimund, Synal, Hans-Arno, Mekhaldi, Florian, Paleari, Chiara Ileana, Leuschner, Hanns Hubert, Bayliss, Alex, Nicolussi, Kurt, Pilcher, Thomas, Pearson, Charlotte, Salzer, Matthew W, Fonti, Patrick, Nievergelt, Daniel, Hantmirov, Rashit, Brown, David J, Usoskin, Ilya, Wacker, Lukas (2022). Dataset: Radiocarbon measurements on tree rings of tree MWK85-05B.

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Brehm, Nicolas
Given Name Nicolas
Family Name Brehm
More Authors
Christl, Marcus
Knowles, Timothy
Casanova, Emanuelle
Everhed, Richard
Adolphi, Florian
Muscheler, Raimund
Synal, Hans-Arno
Mekhaldi, Florian
Paleari, Chiara Ileana
Leuschner, Hanns Hubert
Bayliss, Alex
Nicolussi, Kurt
Pilcher, Thomas
Pearson, Charlotte
Salzer, Matthew W
Fonti, Patrick
Nievergelt, Daniel
Hantmirov, Rashit
Brown, David J
Usoskin, Ilya
Wacker, Lukas
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: MWK85-05B_age
Subject Areas
Name: Geophysics

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